Is Corvus a good first R5 if I never plan to use suicides?

Tried posting this before. Got double posted then both got deleted. So let's give it another try. I never plan to use suicides. I hear everyone say you haven't used Corvus till you've used him with suicides. Do you think he'll do everything I need my top champion to do without suicides?
Is Corvus a good first R5 if I never plan to use suicides? 76 votes
I have a R5 max sig corvus and a R2 6* unduped and I use the 5* in act 6 for some of the paths.
As long as you can wait out for charges to come back he is a so useful in saving resources and units due to his “immortality” (awakened ability)
It’s not like he sucks without suicides but he does not do great damage without it. On the other hand he does great damage with suicides. Like I said he’s pretty neutered without it. Suicides make certain champs shine extremely bright and he’s one of those champs.