Can I reverse my 6 star namor 1-2 gem?

So the other day I was looking through my inventory and noticed that I had roughly 8k mutant t5cc (At the time I guessed I had probably acquired them from some story, event, or aw season reward. I chose tech from my selector for act 6 btw). With that knowledge, I decided to use my 1-2 generic 6 star rank up gem on Namor, with the thought process that as I was already 8k fragments towards a mutant t5cc, I might as well rank him up. I didn't level up namor at the time because I was low on iso, having just ranked up a symbiote supreme and claire voyant. a day later, I check back and see that I have no mutant t5cc... I sent a ticket to support asking to reverse the rank up since apparently I don't have the mutant t5cc that lead me to make that decision..? I hope they'll accommodate my request, but I am doubtful they will. Any advice guys?