5/65 compared to 4/55
Is 5/65 a big difference compared to 4/55? Close to having my first 5/65 and wondering if I can expect a big change compared to 4/55 which I have about 5 of those champs. Doctor Doom will be the first 5 star 5/65.
I have a 5/65 Hype and he felt like he jumped two ranks, insane scale up.
I also have a 5/65 Magik and I hardly notice a difference. Yeah she hits harder and stays alone longer but it’s really nothing eye popping.
I don’t have Doom to compare, but based on the community’s love for him I’m sure he’s gonna be great for you at r5.
He barely even notices the global 50% weakness node - it's insane!
Also it shows why she benefits from r5, just like hype benefits more from his furies. Personally I felt like hype benefits more from r5. Same with sentinel, who increases his attack with his analysis, and rulk with his heat charges. 6* r2 km and hood were not very impressive for me