I think last year they handed out some "Meh teir" 3- star crystals that actually turned out to have 5*'s in it instead....I think
It was not that. It was the Deadpool boss rush where every fight was Deadpool and had a weird node. You got a 4 star crystal that had increased chances at Deadpool characters besides red suit and goldpool.
I think last year they handed out some "Meh teir" 3- star crystals that actually turned out to have 5*'s in it instead....I think
It was not that. It was the Deadpool boss rush where every fight was Deadpool and had a weird node. You got a 4 star crystal that had increased chances at Deadpool characters besides red suit and goldpool.
So venompool, DPX, and gwenpool? Sounds like a trash crystal to me
Probably gonna be a 6* crystal for only 1 unit, but the "purchase" button is nowhere to be found
I would sell an Ascendant April crystal, and inside of it would be two Legendary April crystals, and each one of those would have three Ultimate April crystals, and within each of those would be four Premium April crystals, and within each of those would be two Nexus April crystals, and when you spin the Nexus April crystal it would show you an Ascendant, Legendary, and Ultimate April crystal.
These would, of course, all expire on April 2.