Just because marvel doesn't have the rights does it mean they can't add the characters in the game

AyemeboiAyemeboi Member Posts: 81 ★★
This might seem like a stupid question, but just because marvel doesn't have the right does it mean they can't be added to the game, I've seen many arguments and many people asking for kabam to add those characters in the game, so can they?


  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Bmacattack wrote: »
    What are you talking about. Seriously. Did you even read your own post. You mean MARVEL having rights to KABAM?

    Kabam licenses character rights from Marvel.

    I think he means like Marvel not having the rights to Fantastic 4, can they still add them onto here.

    Answer is yes anyway OP, Fox has the rights to x-men and all that, but they are in game.

    They just don't want to promote fantastic 4 hoping fox give the rights back, the Marvel will use them properly again in comics etc and actually make a good movie
  • SweatlipSweatlip Member Posts: 163
    They have the rights but fanatastic four ain’t happening. Not as long as fox holds the movie rights
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    They "can" add whatever character they want, however usually they tie stuff in with McU.

    They do have "non-MCU" characters like Wolverine, Phoenix, Beast, etc.
  • Bryman187Bryman187 Member Posts: 204
    The rights for The Fantistic Four, Spider-Man and pretty much all mutants are for cinematic use only as far as I'm aware. Has no baring on other media as far as my understanding. As evidenced by all the mutants and Spideys in the game.
  • WafflesalldayWafflesallday Member Posts: 189
    edited August 2017
    Fox has movie rights to characters like the Xmen, Deadpool, and Fantastic four but marvel can use the characters for everything else like comics, tv, and video games. It's why the xmen and Deadpool are in this game

    Thing with the fantastic four though is that marvel has put a stop to their comics, think it had something to do with the last Fantastic four movie that fox put out. so they probably putting a hold on releasing them in this video game too
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    Off-topic but any link on the story? FF was created by Marvel correct? So how did Marvel "lose" the rights to those character?

    Perhaps the licensing agreement restricted the game from certain heroes (for reasons which are not needed to be disclosed).

  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    winterthur wrote: »
    Off-topic but any link on the story? FF was created by Marvel correct? So how did Marvel "lose" the rights to those character?

    Perhaps the licensing agreement restricted the game from certain heroes (for reasons which are not needed to be disclosed).
    Il look for a link later but marvel was going bankrupt and sold movie rights now there salty and most think they want to kill f4 till they get movie rights back
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    winterthur wrote: »
    Off-topic but any link on the story? FF was created by Marvel correct? So how did Marvel "lose" the rights to those character?

    Perhaps the licensing agreement restricted the game from certain heroes (for reasons which are not needed to be disclosed).

    Marvel wasn't really big until the early mid 2000's, in the 1990's Marvel was going bankrupt so they sold the movie rights to their characters to big movie companies. Now that marvel is huge those movie companies don't want to give the rights to those characters back because with the name of marvel behind them they can make a lot of money. MCOC can add any marvel characters into the game but the marvel company won't let them add certain characters because they don't want to promote characters they don't have the rights too. You'll notice there isn't a lot of merchandise for movies like the x-men compared to the avengers because marvel still owns the merchandising rights and won't promote movies and characters they wan't back.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    winterthur wrote: »
    Off-topic but any link on the story? FF was created by Marvel correct? So how did Marvel "lose" the rights to those character?

    Perhaps the licensing agreement restricted the game from certain heroes (for reasons which are not needed to be disclosed).

    Marvel didn't lose anything in regards to Fantastic Four, they own them in full and they have only licensed cinematic rights to Fox via a contract that was set to expire much the same way the contracts for the Daredevil, Elektra, Punisher and Ghost Rider (also all previously held by Fox) did if Fox didn't put out a movie by a certain date. To avoid that Fox rushed and put out a real stinker just to maintain those rights. This is why you see DareDevil, Elektra, Punisher and Ghost Rider back in the MCU On TV. The contracts Fox has for cinemetic rights to the X-men and F4 and the one Sony holds for Spiderman were created before Marvel Studios was split off into a separate company from Marvel and sold to Disney, otherwise Fox nor Sony would have ever had any rights sold to them in the first place. The difference between Fox and Sony is Sony played nice and made a deal with Marvel Studios/Disney to lease back rights for Spidey. Fox got greedy and said no when approached to do the same thing for F4.

    Marvel put a stop to publishing F4 by their own choice. They own them as intellectual property and can do what they want with them in any industry except film which as described above is due to contractual obligations. Rumor has it Marvel really wanted to get those cinemetic rights for F4 back so they could be incorporated into Infinity Wars with the Doctor Strange story arc. Again, Fox said no and put out a stinker of a movie. So Marvel just put a halt to all F4 publishing and merchandise as kinda of an F.U. to Fox for not playing nice like Sony did. They then went to their plan B, and thus the Guardians of the Galaxy took the place of the Fantastic Four in both the movies and the comics.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    winterthur wrote: »
    Off-topic but any link on the story? FF was created by Marvel correct? So how did Marvel "lose" the rights to those character?

    Perhaps the licensing agreement restricted the game from certain heroes (for reasons which are not needed to be disclosed).

    Marvel didn't lose anything in regards to Fantastic Four, they own them in full and they have only licensed cinematic rights to Fox via a contract that was set to expire much the same way the contracts for the Daredevil, Elektra, Punisher and Ghost Rider (also all previously held by Fox) did if Fox didn't put out a movie by a certain date. To avoid that Fox rushed and put out a real stinker just to maintain those rights. This is why you see DareDevil, Elektra, Punisher and Ghost Rider back in the MCU On TV. The contracts Fox has for cinemetic rights to the X-men and F4 and the one Sony holds for Spiderman were created before Marvel Studios was split off into a separate company from Marvel and sold to Disney, otherwise Fox nor Sony would have ever had any rights sold to them in the first place. The difference between Fox and Sony is Sony played nice and made a deal with Marvel Studios/Disney to lease back rights for Spidey. Fox got greedy and said no when approached to do the same thing for F4.

    Marvel Studios wasn't spun off from Marvel per se. Disney bought the parent company Marvel Entertainment and owns the entire thing. What Disney did do was to reorganize Marvel Entertainment by taking the Marvel Studios division and having it become a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios. As such, Marvel Studios no longer reports directly to the head of Marvel Entertainment, but rather the head of Disney Studios. My understanding is that was a deliberate political move to make Kevin Feige the president of Marvel Studios and the defacto MCU brainchild have greater creative control outside of the influence of Marvel Entertainment (and Ike Perlmutter in particular).
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