How do we still have daily quests that aren't daily?
We currently have 3 active quests labeled as daily, 2 of which are located in the daily EQ tab. We have the hall of heroes, goldpool for sigil purchasers, and now the new Baron quests. All of which are labeled as daily, none of which are daily. How is this still a thing? Is it that hard to label something as a weekly quest? Is it that difficult to just label something as a side event and not put any sort of timetable on it in words? Either they need to actually be daily as they say they are, or a simple and logical change needs to be made. I know this post is irrelevant, but this has been something incredibly stupid in the game since at least the introduction of the sigil.
Halls of healing 3 day timer
Goldpool quest 7 day timer.
All clearly show they aren't daily by the timers