Who should be my next R5/65

Akkarin23Akkarin23 Member Posts: 101
Im focusing on act 6 and variants mainly and i have a generic awakening gem. I can use the gem on any of those who deserves r5. Open to any recommendation.

Who should be my next R5/65 28 votes

Undupe hyperion
GraydroxObaid_Jacob03TravNationStellanlowlevelplayer00Incredible_Hulk00 6 votes
Undupe stealth suit
Aaronc94Skillful_starTheInfinty 3 votes
Dupe quake
BUZZdog3000AleorDisgruntled_User_123X_Factor_AgentLaksh1995KRANꓘAdamb208Masterpuff 8 votes
Dupe void sig lvl 140
Viper83TheHeroDeservedNBSAIEtjamaFurrymoosenMatty_IceSwarmOfRavens 7 votes
Namor sig lvl 130
Charlie_SceneBLACKMILKTEA_88TimeGenesisCaptainGame 4 votes


  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    edited April 2020
    Dupe quake
    Quake is such an underrated champion by the majority of the community. She’s easily a Top 5 champ. I haven’t even mastered the Quake and Shake method yet I can still one shot Uncollected Storm with the Quake and Bake method. In the hands of a more skilled player than I am, she is just that much more powerful.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Undupe stealth suit

    Quake is such an underrated champion by the majority of the community. She’s easily a Top 5 champ. I haven’t even mastered the Quake and Shake method yet I can still one shot Uncollected Storm with the Quake and Bake method. In the hands of a more skilled player than I am, she is just that much more powerful.

    No chance in hell quake is underrated everyone know she’s godly there’s a reason why every month people have videos of them quaking down UQ Final Boss
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Undupe hyperion
    Awaken hype and 5/56. He is good for a lot of content and does not require any skill. If you are good with quake, the answer would be obvious.
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