I will never get warlock or ghost 😭

KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★
edited April 2020 in General Discussion

I have been targeting warlock & ghost since both of them have come out. What’s the longest you’ve been targeting a champ that you haven’t been able to get?


  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    On my main I couldn’t get Aegon or quake. Pulled both on my alt though. The champ I still haven’t gotten is a 5 or 6* venom
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★

    On my main I couldn’t get Aegon or quake. Pulled both on my alt though. The champ I still haven’t gotten is a 5 or 6* venom

    That’s the worse! When you get a champ on your alt that you’ve been wanting on your main.
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    Yeah that sucked. I’m happy I can still play around with them on the alt though. Sometimes I wish I could combine my 2 accounts. Adding both Aegon and quake to my main roster could make it even more stacked
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★

    Yeah that sucked. I’m happy I can still play around with them on the alt though. Sometimes I wish I could combine my 2 accounts. Adding both Aegon and quake to my main roster could make it even more stacked

    Lol can you imagine if you if that was possible? People would just do that all the time & create 1 big giant massive account
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    5* thing.... i always wanted him... but i have pulled other champs and don’t need him anymore.... that being said... kabam will send one my way soon
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,660 ★★★★★
    Been trying to get a Ageon above 4*. Have gems and everything ready. Just need him as a 5* and imma sail through 6.2 and other endgame stuff
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★
    Lol what did you need the champion for?
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    I'm still waiting on Wasp as a five or six star. I've opened well over a hundred five stars, about 18 six stars, and who knows how many cavs trying to get her, but nothing.
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  • SleipnirrodSleipnirrod Member Posts: 228 ★★

    I'm still waiting on Wasp as a five or six star. I've opened well over a hundred five stars, about 18 six stars, and who knows how many cavs trying to get her, but nothing.

    I have both, 5* duped and 6* undupped
  • MityAntMityAnt Member Posts: 152 ★
    I will never get Nick Fury or Ægon but imma keep trying!
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Still waiting on medusa!
    Also aegon, fury, ghost, and doom who is the more recent

    I've also got my eye on storm px, which means it'll be awhile before she lands in my lap!
  • PyrdaPyrda Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Waiting for ghost too, I have wasp and antman as a 5* so I am rdy to go, ghost whould be the most desired Tech for me
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Forgot to mention ... 5* Heidall... could use him... angela is waiting for the synergy...hello Kabam santa.... knock knock
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★

    I'm still waiting on Wasp as a five or six star. I've opened well over a hundred five stars, about 18 six stars, and who knows how many cavs trying to get her, but nothing.

    What do you need wasp for? What is the reason you're looking for her?
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★
    MityAnt said:

    I will never get Nick Fury or Ægon but imma keep trying!

    I got lucky I pulled an Aegon, but still no luck with Nick Fury either. I would love to have him for synergy purposes.
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★
    Pyrda said:

    Waiting for ghost too, I have wasp and antman as a 5* so I am rdy to go, ghost whould be the most desired Tech for me

    That definitely sounds exactly like me! I can't wait! Once I get her I'll be so excited!
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★

    Forgot to mention ... 5* Heidall... could use him... angela is waiting for the synergy...hello Kabam santa.... knock knock

    That Heimdall synergy is definitely amazing too!
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    I'm waiting on either namor or omega red. Have gems from 2-5, awakening gem & 200sig stones just waiting.... Which ever comes first gets it.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★
    Still waiting on a 5* Quake. I’ve opened well over 100 5*s. She’s my favourite champ and I know that 5*s will be irrelevant by the time I get her. I doubt she’ll be released as a 6*(although I hope I’m wrong)
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★
    Qfury said:

    I'm waiting on either namor or omega red. Have gems from 2-5, awakening gem & 200sig stones just waiting.... Which ever comes first gets it.

    That’s literally the same situation with me & tech. Waiting for a warlock or ghost
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★

    Still waiting on a 5* Quake. I’ve opened well over 100 5*s. She’s my favourite champ and I know that 5*s will be irrelevant by the time I get her. I doubt she’ll be released as a 6*(although I hope I’m wrong)

    I hope you’re wrong too & they release her as a 6*. She’ll be amazing as a 6*
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    @Krzysalt I run my sig56 six star ghost for most everything I can. I have Ghost as a 2/35 and 4/55 both awakened by gems, Antman 5/65 and 1/25, and Hood 1/25 and 1/25 (Never took up the five star since I pulled the six star one almost right after).
    At this point, I’m more than good enough with Ghost to not need the unblockable synergy, but I really want Wasp for the principle of it. Also, I need her to complete my Ant-Man beast team.
  • KrzysaltKrzysalt Member Posts: 577 ★

    @Krzysalt I run my sig56 six star ghost for most everything I can. I have Ghost as a 2/35 and 4/55 both awakened by gems, Antman 5/65 and 1/25, and Hood 1/25 and 1/25 (Never took up the five star since I pulled the six star one almost right after).
    At this point, I’m more than good enough with Ghost to not need the unblockable synergy, but I really want Wasp for the principle of it. Also, I need her to complete my Ant-Man beast team.

    That’s awesome! You have a pretty sick roster with that 6* ghost. So I don’t have a 5 or 6* ghost as my post says but I’ve been playing with my 4* to just practice. I still suck hard with her. Any tips on how to play ghost?
  • ThehereticTheheretic Member Posts: 110 ★
    Primarily Ghost, Have the rest of the synergy. Also dying for a Doom but he is more recent.
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    edited April 2020
    I have 5 star 2-3, 3-4 and 4-5 skill rank up gems plus a generic awakening gem along with 100 skill sig stones all waiting for Aegon... and I'm still waiting. Bout to give up.
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  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,230 ★★★★★

    I need a 6* Dpxforce

    Same he's got the best synergy for NF, (also helps OR)
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    Blade haven't got a 4* or 5* he is evading me for 2 years
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