Interrupting successful L2s still happening, still no response?? [Closed]

Reposting a bug report which was largely ignored on the old forums, but continues to be an issue:
One of the biggest offenders is Gwenpool - her L2 can successfully make contact with the first hit, but fast-recovery AI such as AW, AQ minibosses, and some arena matches can allow the defender to recover from the first hit fast enough to block the football, which completely negates the point of a multi-hit special attack. This is not intended behavior and never has been. This is also not the only champ affected, just one of the easiest to recreate the issue.
Please, please give us some kind of acknowledgement instead of ignoring in favor of the same repeated reports and whine threads.
One of the biggest offenders is Gwenpool - her L2 can successfully make contact with the first hit, but fast-recovery AI such as AW, AQ minibosses, and some arena matches can allow the defender to recover from the first hit fast enough to block the football, which completely negates the point of a multi-hit special attack. This is not intended behavior and never has been. This is also not the only champ affected, just one of the easiest to recreate the issue.
Please, please give us some kind of acknowledgement instead of ignoring in favor of the same repeated reports and whine threads.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
This discussion has been closed.
- Device type
- OS type
- What specific Champions you are fighting against, if possible
We'll then get this info off to our QA team to see if they can reproduce the issue.
This is not a device issue. Happening to everyone.
- iPhone 7+
- Newest release (as of yesterday) & previous one before.
- All champs
- Iphone 6
- iOS 10.3.2 and previous versions
- Usually champs with Limber in Arena. I see it happen more in AW but I've seen it happen in AQ as well.
It's not a device issue, I've seen it across many devices and have seen many threads, posts, and chat messages about this since 12.0.
All different people, all different devices, different champions fighting against almost anyone so it's kinda pointless to try to figure out that when it's mainly a problem with the enemy ai reacting to fast, blocking from impossible positions etc.
As far as I know this was already being investigated and known by various admintrors/ mods including you recently.
Honestly you guys seem to forget a lot about what's going on or just ignore it. This problem isn't going away and isnt just a device issue it's something that happens a lot in addition to tons of other bugs that affect combat.
This happens to yellow jackets 1st and 2nd a lot, I've done a combo then power attacked an enemy with star Lord then hit into a special only to have enemy somehow block when they should be still been in air, etc. It happens a lot in most modes and don't think it's an easy fix just like the autofight bug which still isn't fixed yet.
It's a part of it, this is all apart of the same issue with the AI blocking specials in an out of combos. They've known about this bug for quite awhile and have been investigating it for a little while.
Regardless of whether or not or not the special follows a combo or it's a stand alone the problem persists over multiple champions facing multiple ai oppeonts.
So far they really seem to like blocking yellowjacket, groot special one, crossbones a lof,star Lord and many others
Loki's SA2 vrs wolverine (most recent occurrence) on an iPad Pro.
The problem was similar to Cable's SA2 and TMK was corrected in the last patch.
@Darkstar4387 It's a separate issue. The one you are referencing is a result of AI reacting faster, or whatever the cause is. This issue is champions who are actually hit with specials that have multiple moves involved but break out of the animation mid special.
It happens when GP kicks the opponent as far as she normally does without hitting the wall. Happens against all champions.
And maybe I'm explaining it well enough ? It's still an issue with the ai, combat and whatever. Its an overall issue with them doing things they're not supposed to be able to and that's a part of it.
In general the enemy ai is reacting to fast blocking attacks left and right interrupting combos, blocking a bunch of specials in general and during combos, interrupting ours mid animation and or hitting us after we do ours or just shrugging off abilities, breaking through our blocks for no reason with reg attacks or specials or our blocks failing even when holding it, them attacking our characters when evading, getting extra strides to power attack you when your out of range ,etc.
It's all apart of many ongoing issues with the enemy ai, combat, animations, etc that has gotten out of hand since 12.0 and the introduction of the challenger rating.