Arena BC per fight rewards significantly lowered?

Device and Version: Samsung Galaxy Note 10 plus (SM-N975U1)
Device Operating System: Android 10, Samsung One UI 2.0
Mobile Carrier: Tmobile
Cellular or WiFi: I was using WiFi. Did not check if the same in Cellular
Game Version Installed: 1012370
Game Mode: Arena. I checked 3*, 4* basic and featured, 5*
Champions Affected: All. I tried 3-6* champs and the BC rewards seem to change based on the arena I'm playing vs the even 75 BC per fight previously.
Active Boosts: No
Description of the Issue: Arena BC rewards per fight used to be an even 75 per fight and 300 per round of 3. Then now are fluctuating. As low as 15 BC in 3* arena, 25 BC in 4* basic, 25-40 in 4* featured and 40-60 in 5* feat arena. I've even seen it change from 60 to 40 within one round of 3 and 25 to 40 in another round (only 2 rounds).
I started playing this morning after 6pm PST. I was playing 3* arena when the maintenance hit at 8pm PST. I was playing to use my champs so as to hit my arena grind targets and immeadiately noticed the BC reward changes.
This is a big change (15 vs 75 BC) so I'm assuming this is a bug. I would expect a change like this to be announced properly.
Please feel free to check my account and the logs between 6am and 640am pst. My user name is sfsilicon.
Screenshot or Video: I have screenshots that I can send, but dont see an option to attach here.
Device Operating System: Android 10, Samsung One UI 2.0
Mobile Carrier: Tmobile
Cellular or WiFi: I was using WiFi. Did not check if the same in Cellular
Game Version Installed: 1012370
Game Mode: Arena. I checked 3*, 4* basic and featured, 5*
Champions Affected: All. I tried 3-6* champs and the BC rewards seem to change based on the arena I'm playing vs the even 75 BC per fight previously.
Active Boosts: No
Description of the Issue: Arena BC rewards per fight used to be an even 75 per fight and 300 per round of 3. Then now are fluctuating. As low as 15 BC in 3* arena, 25 BC in 4* basic, 25-40 in 4* featured and 40-60 in 5* feat arena. I've even seen it change from 60 to 40 within one round of 3 and 25 to 40 in another round (only 2 rounds).
I started playing this morning after 6pm PST. I was playing 3* arena when the maintenance hit at 8pm PST. I was playing to use my champs so as to hit my arena grind targets and immeadiately noticed the BC reward changes.
This is a big change (15 vs 75 BC) so I'm assuming this is a bug. I would expect a change like this to be announced properly.
Please feel free to check my account and the logs between 6am and 640am pst. My user name is sfsilicon.
Screenshot or Video: I have screenshots that I can send, but dont see an option to attach here.
I appreciate if folks would share what they are seeing by arena and which champs. A statement from Kabam would help too if they fixed a bug with the 75 BC per fight.
15bc for 3*
25bc for 4*
40bc for 5*
60bc for 6*
This is for the champion you defeat not the one you use.
1-2* Arena -
5 BCs per fight (2* vs 1*; 1* vs 1*)
10 BCs per fight (1* vs 2*; 2* vs 2*)/300 per round
3* Feature Arena -
10 BCs per fight (3* vs 2*; 2* vs 2*)
15 BCs per fight (2* vs 3*; 3* vs 3*)/300 per round
4* Basic Arena -
15 BCs per fight (4* vs 3*; 3* vs 3*)
25 BCs per fight (3* or 4* vs 4*)/300 per round
4* Feature Arena -
25 BCs per fight (5* vs 4*)
40 BCs per fight (4* vs 4* or 5*; 5* vs 5*)/300 per round
5* Feature Arena -
25 BCs per fight (4* vs 4*; 5* vs 4*; 6* vs 4*)
40 BCs per fight (5* vs 5*)
60 BCs per fight (6* vs 6*)
I didn't try a 4* vs 5*, 4* vs 6*, or 5* vs 6* in 5* Feature. So there's a trend I'm seeing. The higher tier champs available for the particular Arena get the higher amount when fighting against a tier equal to, or greater than themselves (when available). If the higher tier is fighting against a champ that's a tier lower, you get a lower BC payout. I'm sure a few more combos could be covered, but those are the lowest to highest BC payout per fight, and round. If you miss a win in a round of 3, the round payout drops. However, not once did I get a payout of 75 per fight, and honestly have never seen that. Hope this helps display the general payouts per win in each Arena.