Who is worth to r4?

F317F317 Member Posts: 78
edited April 2020 in General Discussion
I Have 5* Domino r4 duped and I'm gonna R5 her. I read that Domino have a great sinergy with Red hulk (5*R3 unduped) and Masacre (5*R3 unduped). Do both of them worth to r4?
* Note, my T4CC skill n T4CC science are going to be expired

Who is worth to r4? 27 votes

R4 high of them
JourneyThatGuyYouSaw235heartbreakid_22KelvinKageEtjamaJollyHawkBlackshadow0203vertiGolowlevelplayerH_I_ZDeejCaptainGameSlayerzz 13 votes
R4 masacre only
Cowmonkey 1 vote
R4 Red Hulk only
Viper83MityAntTankRichardsonDisgruntled_User_123Akkarin23CtuchikKing_Leo321GrieferMadness 8 votes
Save for others
Xcrøss_TRTiborginaLordNeoKRANꓘprotectors11 5 votes


  • F317F317 Member Posts: 78
    Option one
    R4 both of them.
  • Tru100Tru100 Member Posts: 260 ★★
    All solid r4 candidates. Red Hulk def worth it, unless maybe you have better Science champs (Cap IW, Void, Quake). Masacre is third of the trio imo, so you might want to wait and see if you get better Skill champ option, but he's plenty solid if not.
  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    R4 Red Hulk only
    In my opinion, Red Hulk is almost essential because his synergy gives Domino a massive incinerate with her heavy attack. Additionally, Red Hulk is probably a Top 10 Science Champion, so he’s great individually.

    However, Massacre really isn’t required (he just provides Domino with extra time on her debuffs). As far as his play style, if you like him, then he’d be fine to rank up. I’ve kept my Massacre at Rank 4 because he’s so reliant on Debuffs and he lacks utility.
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