What new characters should be added next?

As most of you know, kingpin and medusa just came out, but what new characters should be added next?
What new characters should be added next? 93 votes
here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/18/character-wishlist-thread-3-0#latest
here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/18/character-wishlist-thread-3-0#latest
You mean like Gwenpool, Winter Soldier, Elektra or Daredevil Classic ?
2. Silver Surfer (I know..no FF stuff)
3. Namor
4. FF (I know..no FF stuff)
5. Jessica Jones (WTH)
6. Morbius
7. OG Captain Marvel
1. Dr. Doom (I know...no FF stuff)
2. Red Skull
3. Bullseye
4. Mystique
5. High Evolutionary
6. The Lizard
7. Hela (she's in the new Thor movie)
8. Shadow King
Feel free to keep voting and commenting if you find this discussion though