Why did you started playing MCOC??

We all hav reasons to start playing a particular game like you're a marvel fan or you like fighting games and more.
I don't exactly remember the guy but he said MCOC helped him a lot with his life.
So, what's the reason why u started playing the game.
I don't exactly remember the guy but he said MCOC helped him a lot with his life.
So, what's the reason why u started playing the game.
Had nothing to do but sit by the open window
If my AC weren’t broken I would not have made a big mistake of downloading the app
Now I’m trap and can’t escape
And here I still am. 5 years later.
5..... Years.
Things haven’t worked out for me and I got knocked down a couple of times, always got back on my feet, financially, personally and work life.
Last year everything went into the gutter, happened before, nothing new, I am ex military so I just make a plan and mindlessly push through. Only this time my health took a hit and with everything on my plate, I just didn’t feel like getting up again. That whiskey bottle gave me comfort and I thought **** it.
Now a year later, I am starting to do okay-ish. The game sparked my interest in the comics and I have a great time with it. I made a new plan for myself and I am trying to accept that I got knocked down.
I live an adventurous life, I followed my heart and no regrets but the thing with adventures is, they don’t always work out and that’s where the game/comics are helping me to put it into perspective.
It’s okay to get knocked down, but get up at some point ‘cause otherwise it would be a very lousy season 2
I remember there was Deadpool doing his sp3 animation against Carnage and since I was already a huge Deadpool fan I immediately downloaded the game
Unfortunately I later discovered that DP wasn't a playable character (unless you buy him) but still I was quite happy when I got my 4 star DPX even if he is completely useless
But after all I have to say, after 3 years I'm still enjoying this game very much
It's april now, and I'm still trying to quit(not really)(well yes, but I think every MCOC player kinda wants to quit but they can't just because of all the time put into it)
Many can relate
Mcoc is my favourite game on mobile
Future fight had it's complexities and large roster but it didn't stick
Mcoc on the other hand, the friends I made are the sole reason why I still play aside from marvel
I was sure wrong about that, the servers are worse than my dating life.
I was like... nope... not gonna do it. Not gonna download it.
Well... let's just see how it is.
...4 years later....
But I remember when it asked me what name I wanted to use I couldn't think of anything so I button bashed whatever in.
I still have the same name I started with. my alliance mates just call me Q