Carina Rebuilt

MutantMutant Member Posts: 6
Does anyone know how carina was actually rebuilt, I just finished act five and started act six to realize that carina was alive again. I know at the end of act five she’s not rebuilt but suddenly she is. I just got back into the game recently after a two or so year hiatus and so I’m not sure if anything happened in an event quest or so. If anyone can explain it, I’d be very grateful


  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    She was healed by aegon and his champion belt in an eq story
  • RocketWaffleRocketWaffle Member Posts: 140
    In November of 2018, Ægon healed Carina, and the Collector had the piece missing at the end of act 5
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    The story and EQ storys intertwine somewhat. You need to follow both to get a grasp on the full story
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