I know what you are thinking. WHAT? MAGNETO IS A MUTANT!!!!! But hear me out, Magneto is most effective when fighting Metal opponents, most of the Metal Champions on this game are in the Tech class which has class advantage over Mutant. So to put it into perspective Magneto( a character most effective against metal opponents) has a disadvantage when fighting most metal champions. The change to Cosmic would allow Magneto to have class advantage over most of the games metal champs rather than class disadvantage.
Class is determined by the champs story and background. Not what they would go best against in fights. Simple as that.
OR... revamp both Magneto's and make then the powerful omega mutants they are in the comics, and give them an ability that allows him to dominate #METAL* champions
That’s like saying She hulk should be skill because she can purify science champs debuffs
Not really, the main concern on this was the class disadvantage
@Marvel2289 Or you could just remove the class disadvantage against #Metal champions? I mean... Karnak has a similar ability sooo... I know right... mind blowing stuff 🤯
* - yes, this will include Dr. Doom
Way to own up. If only other people could be like you.