Drop rates

Just a general comment: I’m tired of spending money and getting nothing in return. Every time I open a 3-5* type crystal, I always get the 3*. Never the 5*. Maybe if I’m lucky a 4* once imma blue moon. It’s just very frustrating to not get the top prize maybe even once in a while. But never getting it is just frustrating. I’m just venting. Maybe I should stop buying things in this game.
Before you spend cash, ask yourself if you "need" a certain result. If you do, don't. Probability has no mercy. That's why so many people recommend spending on rank up materials rather than champion crystals if you're going to spend to advance in the game. Rank up materials tend to be much more generally useful, even when they are in random crystals. There's less psychological downside to spending cash on rank up materials. But champion crystals are explicitly designed to be very random and generally have low rates of getting higher tier champs. If you need to "win" at those, you should probably stay away from them.
But throw in a smidgen of hope or expectation and....you’ll want to throw your phone.
Hey I get it though. Never in my life did I expect to get, and dupe, and 6 star Ebony Maw. And I don’t believe he will ever amount to anything. But if the day comes that the Mcoc fears the maw, I’ll be pleasantly surprised.