What happen Kabam ?

Rocket13Rocket13 Member Posts: 83
Yesterday was the last event for this month. In this path we have to release deadpool to get to a mystic event with gold and to release him need to have the sticky key. All of we release him, and we go to event with gold. But the on uncollected is too little. Realy Kabam ? I think you are better than that. For example, me i want more gold like a million on uncollected. Rise up the difficult, i dont care. But that was a cheat i have to say. The same told and seatin for the deadpool that you want to release him 4 times to get all rewards. What's your opinion summoners?


  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    It’s gold for auto fight effort. Why does everyone complain about 10 mins worth of work on auto fight? You know they don’t need to do a gold side event and you can just spend hours and hours getting that same anouht from 66 energy in arena.

    10 mins on auto fight for 200k
    Or 3 days of grinding in arena and hoping for gold RNG in BC?

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  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    These events never satisfy everyone, especially top players. Take the easy gold and quit whining. Does it suck that you had to waste energy for an extra useless path in Baron, yes, but it was just single energy per move. Was the gold amount great, for me no it wasn't, but it's gold I'll take. The energy for the gold event sucked being 3 per move on the high level is my biggest gripe, but it's a full day of energy used to 100 gold event, I'll take it since there's nothing else I'm doing now!
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    I agree with everyone! Kind of lame all the hype for lack of reward for completing the epic no different from heroic and so on. I like free gold but the execution for the hype on the sticky key. The event didn't live up to the hype. kabam failed.

    They should made the event where you got one shot open one route, chose your poison with high risk higher reward but its like the chicken sh*t way of producing a bad event. nothing magical here just kabam milking the whales. At least the government gave out stimulus check.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Wayntos said:

    I agree with everyone! Kind of lame all the hype for lack of reward for completing the epic no different from heroic and so on. I like free gold but the execution for the hype on the sticky key. The event didn't live up to the hype. kabam failed.

    They should made the event where you got one shot open one route, chose your poison with high risk higher reward but its like the chicken sh*t way of producing a bad event. nothing magical here just kabam milking the whales. At least the government gave out stimulus check.

    Alright, you got me. How was the sticky key anyway related to kabam milking whales?
  • UltimateBatJokeUltimateBatJoke Member Posts: 221
    Question, is this event for April Fools day, it for Earth Day
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