What happen Kabam ?

Yesterday was the last event for this month. In this path we have to release deadpool to get to a mystic event with gold and to release him need to have the sticky key. All of we release him, and we go to event with gold. But the on uncollected is too little. Realy Kabam ? I think you are better than that. For example, me i want more gold like a million on uncollected. Rise up the difficult, i dont care. But that was a cheat i have to say. The same told and seatin for the deadpool that you want to release him 4 times to get all rewards. What's your opinion summoners?
10 mins on auto fight for 200k
Or 3 days of grinding in arena and hoping for gold RNG in BC?
They should made the event where you got one shot open one route, chose your poison with high risk higher reward but its like the chicken sh*t way of producing a bad event. nothing magical here just kabam milking the whales. At least the government gave out stimulus check.