Alliance War tie rewards
A tie currently counts the same as a loss. Neither team get any of the 50k victory bonus. At minimum it should be split between the alliances at 25k each. Or give them both 50k if they have explored more than 20% of the map. The Alliance War match-up system is badly broken and should factor in strength of alliance, but to penalize both teams for a tie is terrible.
It’s not that rare anymore lol
Some cases a Tie is half-way between a Win and Loss, as far as season (standings) points go. In other cases it is somewhat less than half. There might even be cases where the game/match doesn’t even appear in the Win/Loss standings so doesn’t even count as a “game played”, but in those cases the “Win %” would not even have that game included in the mathematical denominator for determining “Win %”.
By not giving any of the 50,000 Win points to either team, it is treating both teams as a Loss situation (same as any other nearby Ally who Lost their War), when looking at Season-Wide Placement/Standings.
A Tie should give both teams somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 points each.
They all give partial status for a Tie, which is more than the nothing that a Loss gets you.
And Team B goes 10 wins, 5 losses, and 1 Tie, then team B is considered the higher team (and could make playoffs ahead of team A), even though they have the same amount of Wins.