Defense masteries

When exactly do your masteries lock on your defenders? When you join the war, or when you actually place the champ? Say for example, I want my dr doom to have mystic dispersion, I'd put that mastery on before I place my defense, but I want suicides on my Elsa bloodstone, but not doom. Would I be able to place doom with MD, and then change masteries to put suicides on after I place him to put the rest down with them on, or do they lock the moment you join?
59 points to assign in masteries. For mystic champions, at least 3pt in mystic dispersion, 4 to 5 points if your lock solid on mystic champions for offense and defense.. if your using bleed champion, I suggest setting some points in deep wound, assassin.
I guess others will chime in.
Boosts and synergies do not work in AWD.
Wants to know if it is at the time you initially commit to the 5 defenders, versus when you actually move them from your 5-member list onto an actual map node # (and thus could they change mastery in between actually moving each of the 5 champs from the bench to the actual map and have each of his different defenders have different Masteries in place).
I would tend to say it’s the first case (locked in when the 5 are first committed), no matter when it is that you later move them onto a map node (and for that matter, no matter if you or officers actually move them around from one node to another later on either).
All 5 of the defenders should ALL have the SAME Masteries.