void cant block dr.strange's power gain.

came across a bug where dr.strange continued gaining power even with 2 petrify(void's) debuffs. This is the dr.strange on variant 4.1.2 1st opponent on power gain path


Regular PG like DS needs 2 to cancel and 3 to reverse since at 2 it’s 100%-100% is 0 and -50% again is -50% PG
Improved PG makes the PG more potent if it says it’s 100% improved PG it means you need 2 more to Cancel out so a total of 4 to cancel and 5 petrify effects to reverse
Power Gain will increase the amount of power an enemy receives from hitting and getting hit.
Improved Power Gain will increase the speed at which power is passively gained. Watch out for this node when facing champs with passive power gain like Strange, Hyperion, Mordo, or Sym Supreme.