Daily objectives didn’t complete.

Aamir123Aamir123 Member Posts: 92
Two of my daily objectives included ZONE CLEARING (attaching screenshot). I completed 7 or 8 zones in sector 7 today with my friend but didn’t got these rewards. Attaching all the available screenshots as proof of incursion completion.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    Known issue...

    Incursion Zone Objectives haven’t worked all month.
    Either CHANGE the to another Objective, or let a couple of them stack up (if already changed once, and don’t want to use Units to change again), and hopefully will be working at some point in future.

    Don’t let 3 of them stack up, you won’t get a new 4th daily if already 3 present.
  • Aamir123Aamir123 Member Posts: 92
    I know that bro. But I changed one of them got incursion one. Then next day another one I got was incursion objective. Now i have to use unit to change one of them and other one is still free to change.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    Interesting, saw that it just says (can replace 1 Objective per day). Doesn’t say that it can’t be the same objective that you had already replaced a day or 2 earlier and happened to get the same type (Incursion or Labyrinth) that you also don’t want to do.

    Had one I changed a few days ago (went from a Sector 6 objective to a Sector 7 one). Went back to look at it again today and it lets me change it again for free.

    Just 1 per day “overall”, instead of “just 1 time ever for a particular Objective Slot”.
  • Aamir123Aamir123 Member Posts: 92
    I don’t know what is this happening daily. i got today again sector 6, I refreshed it and got sector 7 again. Now i have to use units to change it again. @Kabam Miike when this issue will be resolved?

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    Aamir123 said:

    I don’t know what is this happening daily. i got today again sector 6, I refreshed it and got sector 7 again. Now i have to use units to change it again. @Kabam Miike when this issue will be resolved?

    Just finish off that SP3 Objective today (no need to spend Units YET to re-roll either of the Lab or Zone ones today, and hopefully won’t have to spend Units at all).

    Finishing the SP3 one will leave a slot open for you to get tomorrow's Objective as usual. If tomorrow's new one is one you can complete, then you can use tomorrow's FREE RE-ROLL on “either” of the existing Lab or Zone objectives.

    You get one free re-roll each day, doesn’t matter if you are re-rolling one that you had already gotten due to a replacement back on an earlier day.
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