glitched chat or suspended

I have been playing this game for about 4 years now. And I have had some issues with Kabam before. but this one takes the cake. I had somebody offer to merge alliances with me so I sent an invite to him and let him know that I sent the invite. he let me know that he wanted me to move over to his Alliance. and then he asked me what I thought. I wrote my response and I hit send but nothing popped up.I figured maybe the game glitched so I wrote it again and when I tap send it did the same thing. so I tried going into my alliance and talking to them to see if anybody else is having that issue. but when I tried to send the question nothing went through. I tried restarting my phone and I still have the same issue when I got back into the game. I sent a ticket to Kabam and they sent me this copied and pasted response about why a person might not be able to use chat. I sent them a new ticket because they closed at 1 the second that they sent the first message. the new ticket ask them if I was suspended from chat and they sent the exact same response word for word the only difference was the name of the bottom. they never answered my question and told me if my account was on a chat ban. they listed their terms and conditions and I read through them carefully. I haven't come close to Breaking any of the rules that were in there. I don't understand what is going on with my account but I do know that this is causing some serious issues with my gameplay. I am the leader of an alliance and I can't talk to them. I can't send private messages to anybody. I can't talk in AQ or global. I'm playing the game and complete silence which makes it extremely difficult when you're trying to talk strategy with your alliance. I want Kabam to tell me what's going on with my account but they just keep sending me the same copied and pasted response. it's extremely frustrating and it's kind of scary to think that I may never be able to speak in the game again according to what they had said to me in that copied and pasted response. it sounded like I've done something wrong, but I haven't done anything that would merit me being banned from chat. basically the copied and pasted response only told me that I can wait for 72 hours or 3 days, and then I can try to talk again. and if it doesn't go through after those three days then that means that I am permanently banned from being able to talk through any channels in game. it would be nice if I could speak with somebody that works for support with Kabam and they can tell me if there's an issue with my account or if there is a ban put on me and is there is a ban put on me then I would like to know which rule I supposedly broke. but they won't tell me anything. as much money as I've put into this game it's very discouraging and aggravating. so there's any staff out there that see this may you please speak with me so we can get this figured out?
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