Human Torch ALL energy hits doesn't heal from Psy.Thorns???

Simple question. If ALL of Human Torchs hits are energy. Why doesn't he heal on each hit vs Psy.Thorns 3? He's healing from SPs but it doesn't say only from SP energy attacks. Or is this another glitch in Kabams favor that will get ignored or take forever to be acknowledged & "fixed",....especially in AWar where every a.bonus matters & the "new & improved" AW specific items cost more. Lol #WhyAlliesH8AWar
The node deals damage if you hit the opponent with a physical contact attack
So this is divided in 3x parts:
- First, it need to be an attack. This includes medium, lights, heavy's and special attacks. Damage over time, direct damage, etc, that are not considered attacks, will bypass it.
- Second, it need to be an attack that makes contact. So, projectile attacks (attacks that don't make contact) will bypass the node as well.
- And third, it needs to be a physical attack. Meaning that energy attacks will bypass the node as well.
So counters for the node are:
- Character's that deal energy attacks in their combo's. This includes symbiote supreme, magneto, human torch for example
- Character's that have projectile attacks in their kit. This includes Havoc (medium attacks only), Yondu (yaka arrow attacks only), Ebony Maw (first medium), for example.
- Character's that deal damage over time damage, not realying on attacks. An example would be Quake, that doesn't need to attack the opponent.
But he takes 100% less damage from physical contact. So if someone does only parry heavy with only medium omega don't takes any damage. That is why he is good against electro, korg....
But since these are contact attacks he doesn't heal from psychic thorn as well like other non contact counters
@will-o-wisp Don't yaka arrows & many other projectiles still make contact? Even most gun shots have a bullet or projectile that hits. The node description says physical vs non-contact attacks. Shouldn't it say physical vs non-contact & projectile attacks then? Just want to confirm exactly so it doesn't happen again. Thx
For the node: You will NOT take damage from energy attacks. And you WILL heal from projectile attacks.
You WILL take damage from attacks that are both physical and make contact with the opponent.
Nova flames or any DoT are not attacks. It's just damage.
If they aren't attacks, they will normally inflict damage on the defender without interacting with the node
Just saying according to HTs description it would make sense that his attacks that deal energy not physical damage are "non-contact". I get that uall are explaining it's not about the type of damage, but that it's physical vs non-contact attacks,...but it's fair to think that doesn't make sense. Whatever,...shouldn't take so much to figure this stuff out. Lol