Defenders variety within or between groups?

Straight question: does the war bonus for variety of defenders count only the defenders in a single group, or even among the groups? So to speak, if an alliance put three Modok in a single group, and none in the other groups, I guess it will be penalized in terms of variety, and I get that. But, what if it puts three modok one in each group? Is the variety bonus still affected? I don’t’ know why I have never wondered about this.
Ideally, in order to get the maximum bonus an alliance should place 5x6=30 different champions in each group, for a total of 90 different champions, assuming three battle groups. While I am writing it, it suddenly seems a lot.
Straight question: does the war bonus for variety of defenders count only the defenders in a single group, or even among the groups? So to speak, if an alliance put three Modok in a single group, and none in the other groups, I guess it will be penalized in terms of variety, and I get that. But, what if it puts three modok one in each group? Is the variety bonus still affected? I don’t’ know why I have never wondered about this.
Ideally, in order to get the maximum bonus an alliance should place 5x6=30 different champions in each group, for a total of 90 different champions, assuming three battle groups. While I am writing it, it suddenly seems a lot.
You can put a MODOK in each of your BG's