MCOC Analysis

CapAvengerCapAvenger Member Posts: 48
I hope this post doesn't come off as a complaint rant and is more of just an insight into what I believe many people are thinking in regards to the current state of the game. I haven't seen it yet for myself and will probably watch it after I post this, but alliance mates have told me about Seatin's new video and how the guy looks really burnt out on the game. Just the idea of him being "burnt out" on the game pushed me back into exactly what I've been feeling the last couple months.

To give you some idea, I am currently attempting to explore Act 6. I am by no means a FTP player, but am even further away from being a big spender (whale). Made it through 6.1 quite easily. Made it through 6.2.4 without a huge hassle...6.2.2 was tough but doable and destructive feedback in 6.2.4 wasn't hard but wasn't enjoyable either. And now it's like HOLY **** have I hit a HUGE wall or what...6.2.5 and 6.2.6 compared to every other piece of content is just like "what in the world were the developers thinking creating this mess?". So naturally, I skip it and go to 6.3 and 6.4 to see if I have better luck. Although they are better than 6.2.5 and 6.2.6 they just aren't any fun exploring at all.

So I figured I would break down my thoughts into each game mode to maybe put into words what others are least hopefully I'm not the only one...

Alliance War / Alliance Quest
Luckily my alliance has gone down to 1bg AW recently so that it is optional, but this is most stressful piece of content in the game. For anyone tier 1 to tier 5 I just don't see how you live with it. The stress and cost that comes with competing at that high of a level is nowhere near what the potential rewards offer. Let me grind, pay, and stress for an entire month to get that 5/6* Elektra when I could spend no stress, no money, and 3 hours to 100% UC EQ for the same Elektra. Not to mention the whole time you're wondering if very flawed matchmaking or alliances cheating the system will knock you down from Plat 1 to Plat 2 or whatever.

Alliance Quest is certainly not the worst designed content, nor does it have the worst rewards. However, I'm constantly losing SO much interest in it. It's so repetitive and AQ season will last for like 6 months or more. So its 6+ months of doing the same paths, same fights, same reward, and same boredom. The glory store update has been quite amazing no doubt, but the map crystals just build, and build, and build because there's never any need to open them. Overall it's just so boring and again if you're competing at a high level you're needing to log in every 2-3 hours to move and see where everyone is at.

The. Single. Most. Boring. Mode. Ever. Created. On. Any. Game.
Unfortunately, I am always at a need for gold, but I absolutely refuse to do any arena. Not sure how anyone does this game mode and keeps their sanity.

Much better than dungeons and is generally fun!....for the first 5 days. Once I get that initial gold and rewards it just seems like a grind. However, the actual game play of it is enjoyable and actually creative. I would just need more incentive to do it past the first 5 days.

Story Mode
Oof...Most of my thoughts on this have already been discussed up above, but it just isn't getting any better. I am lucky enough to be in the Act 7 beta and it's just Act 6: The Sequel at this point. The nodes aren't fun (for the most part), the attack values of your opponent are insane (although they are working with that), and it all just seems so niche. Which is exactly how Act 6 was. There's just no creativity. It's just "Let's make more fun and interactive damage and boost attack/health".

One of the biggest things I've seen is the developers are wanting to push Book 2 out quicker than what they did with Act 6. This is the opposite direction they need to go in if it means just releasing more content like Act 6!! As @DNA3000 has said, story mode should be geared toward the average player being able to complete it either soon (maybe with some work) or in the foreseeable future. Not geared toward end game players being able to whale it out right now.

Event Quest and Variants
Overall, Variants and SIDE event quests have been the most exciting and creative parts of the game lately! Variants are doable by many summoners and playable with many champs. Plus they have pretty great rewards for your efforts! The side EQ has been very creative lately and again really feels like you're getting something of value for your time and effort.

Normal monthly EQ however is SOOO repetitive and boring. Just stop the announcements at this point and say "here's two new champs with the same everything else". Cavalier difficulty has been asked for for what a year? In my opinion this is what should be pushed out quicker even if it needs some fine tuning later. It is also, in my opinion, where the more difficult nodes and such should be because there are options. If you aren't able to do Cavalier difficulty yet, no worries! Keep doing Uncollected difficulty and work your way up. Whereas anyone looking to progress in the story has to do the exact same story difficulty. There's no choice. Push cavalier difficulty out there and make it difficult. Of course the rewards need to compensate for that difficulty, but to me this is the place for the current act 6/act 7 beta difficulty. Make initial completion pretty straight forward so even those who can't quite explore it get decent rewards on a monthly basis, but make exploration challenging.

I have never stuck with a single game for so long in my life. I love the game. I love the characters even though 75% of them have no use. I love the community. I just want to see it keep moving forward, and not fall into the same traps over and over again. Big short term revenue is nice, but I promise you Kabam, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction will keep your business sustainable.


  • PulliPulli Member Posts: 122
    Couldn't have said it any better.

    Hopefully they don't take this discussion down.

    More need to read it
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Isn't there already a merged discussion for this already?
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Isn't there already a merged discussion for this already?

    You’ve been on the forums. People need to make their own posts.
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