2 years and 7 mounths of progress

2 years and around 7 mounths ago I never thought I would be able to get a five star because I was the equivalent of a toddler trying to do a judo flip off a table at playing mcoc. But here I am now and it makes me proud to know that I have managed to get past 15 5 star champs.
But it also made me want to know how my fellow (I know this is gonna be cringe) gamers are doing for your 5 star roster. So come on take a screenshot of your 5 star roaster and if you dont have one well don't worry you'll get there it just takes time.
OP, that's some pretty impressive progress.
I've had the game for about 2 years now, but I took a long break. The amount of time I've actually been playing is about a year and a half. V4 is complete (second chapter almost explored), V3 is almost complete (last quest left, went in once and got completely wrecked by Kang). I just got Cavalier and I'm working on Act 5 exploration now. 3 6 stars and 30 5 stars, but I've pulled a lot of dupes, so I've actually opened 40 5* crystals. Pretty happy with my progress so far.
One of the tips was: if you’re going to spend, do it at the beginning, which I did, bought deadpool and a guardians of the galaxy pack, I really wanted to play with starlord, pulled him as a 3*, I just had so much fun and deadpool moonwalking is still funny.
I became f2p in 2020 because I want to enjoy the game and not always chase the next level, I am uncollected and that was my goal, although I am pretty much ready to become cavalier, I want to save 12k for the offer, but don’t do a whole lot of arena anymore, so it will take time.
I am very pleased with my 5* roster, it’s very different than my maxed 4*. I will do 6.1 and the variants before cyber Monday and by that time I might pick up a nice offer as I will be moving to 6* at that point and want sig stones for them.