Nothing wrong with Red Hulk and Yellow Jacket. Cpt. America should reduce ability accuracy with Fatigue, Joe Fixit and Luke Cage should hit harder and as for Luke should also reduce ability accuracy with his Exhaustion.
It's a shame they're "Hulks" but they're almost "Turds".
It's sad because they have good designs (well SH could be improved), and I like the concept but they're a waste now.
Joe Fixit:
He should have a strong attack.
And he should do Incineration against bleed immune champs. It would be cool too if his Gun is replaced by a Flamethrower. OK, the flamethrower is not necessary and I this graphic effect could make the game laggy.
This champ is one of the best design in the game IMO. Visual and moves.
She Hulk:
I like her design, her body was a good job except her head/face because she's ugly. Cmon, I'm not asking she should be an Eva Andressa beauty, but just because she's a strong hulk she shouldn't look like a steroided man transvestite with an old wig.
It would be ok if she's a bit more pretty and her hair looking less than a dead fur.
I like her move set too, she is fast, fluid and dinamyc and look natural. But here is an error.
She has the ability of punch really hard when she high-punch her opponent stunned. Cool.
And She has chance of stun after a special attack. Cool too.
But the problem is, after her special attacks she bounces and land in the other corner of the stage, and after you run toward and hold for the high-punch the stun have already expired. Even it "almost expired" if you have the mastery for long stun and the opponent have no the mastery for shorts stun, but if the opponent have it, it's worthless.
It's a shame they're "Hulks" but they're almost "Turds".
It's sad because they have good designs (well SH could be improved), and I like the concept but they're a waste now.
Joe Fixit:
He should have a strong attack.
And he should do Incineration against bleed immune champs. It would be cool too if his Gun is replaced by a Flamethrower. OK, the flamethrower is not necessary and I this graphic effect could make the game laggy.
This champ is one of the best design in the game IMO. Visual and moves.
She Hulk:
I like her design, her body was a good job except her head/face because she's ugly. Cmon, I'm not asking she should be an Eva Andressa beauty, but just because she's a strong hulk she shouldn't look like a steroided man transvestite with an old wig.
It would be ok if she's a bit more pretty and her hair looking less than a dead fur.
I like her move set too, she is fast, fluid and dinamyc and look natural. But here is an error.
She has the ability of punch really hard when she high-punch her opponent stunned. Cool.
And She has chance of stun after a special attack. Cool too.
But the problem is, after her special attacks she bounces and land in the other corner of the stage, and after you run toward and hold for the high-punch the stun have already expired. Even it "almost expired" if you have the mastery for long stun and the opponent have no the mastery for shorts stun, but if the opponent have it, it's worthless.