Units use

SlayerKingSlayerKing Member Posts: 75
I’ve been planning to grind act 6 and save units for July 4th but I’m f2p and I have limited time for arenas

Units use 9 votes

Use units for cavalier push
TerraOdachiBrokenEtjamaLucifer_666Capn_DanteLil_LasagnaBruceReeeeeee 8 votes
Save units for July 4th deals
Rayhanaprilleo 1 vote


  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    Use units for cavalier push
    You'll want 15,000 units for july if you want the best deal but who's to know if there will be different bundles for cav vs uncollected.
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