Blade problem

Many champ getting synergy over the time. But blade??? He has like only 3 synergy?? That's lowest in this game. Why blade is not getting any synergy?? He is in this game now almost 3 years.
Without synergy he's a beast, in trinity...............
I'd much rather have that than something like Sentinel has. Sentinel currently has synergies with 18 champs, but only 3 of them are mildly useful when actually using Sentinel (Emma, Squirrel Girl, and Guilly 2099). All the other ones are synergies that were designed around using Sentinel on Defense even though Defense synergies in AW have been disabled for years.
I'd rather have a few great synergies than 10+ weak ones.
Here's my idea... a synergy with Morbius whenever he's added to the game.
Tagged "Dhampir Rage", whenever Blade receives a bleed debuff he converts it into a passive fury which increases his attack rating by 3528 for 20 seconds.
Alternatively, it can be activated manually by bleeding the defender and activating heavy to absorb bleed and place it on himself, thus raging and converting it.
When fury expires, rage enters cooldown for 25 seconds. For every instance dhampir rage is activated, attack rating potency is reduced by 300.
Most importantly, Blade sacrifices his regen for duration of dhampir rage and cooldown.
I think this would do wonders for him and seems balanced. Good attack boost, has limitations (bleed immune defenders and nodes), trades regen for attack and can't be abused with suicides.