I’m confused about some masteries

Ok, I’ve put 3 mastery points into perfect block chance, 3 points in parry and 3 points in stupefy. I feel like whenever I do a perfect block the duration of the parry seems the same, 1.5 seconds. For people like Daredevil,(who already has a chance to perfect block) I do feel an increase of the parry time. It’s so weird, and I know it doesn’t increase because I’ve timed it.
Now for my second question does anyone know if the regeneration in willpower increases with the recovery mastery?
Also right now I’m trying to become Cavalier and I’ve only done 6.1.1, what would be good for the next 5 quests for Cavalier? Also I have 8 free points which I plan to use in Despair (Get all 3), Deep Wounds (Put 3 in there, Assassin(Put 3 in there), Recoil (put 1 in there), and liquid courage (the last point in there). It just takes so much units for a free to play player like me, even adjusting my masteries hurts a lot
Now for my second question does anyone know if the regeneration in willpower increases with the recovery mastery?
Also right now I’m trying to become Cavalier and I’ve only done 6.1.1, what would be good for the next 5 quests for Cavalier? Also I have 8 free points which I plan to use in Despair (Get all 3), Deep Wounds (Put 3 in there, Assassin(Put 3 in there), Recoil (put 1 in there), and liquid courage (the last point in there). It just takes so much units for a free to play player like me, even adjusting my masteries hurts a lot

That's actually slightly less than one animation frame (0.033 seconds) which is practically unmeasurable. But you've seen that champions with intrinsic perfect block chance much higher than that does produce measurable increases in stun duration. It does.
The best mastery set up would depend greatly on the teams you'd be using for Act 6.1. People have done it with quite a range of options.
Your best source of units as a free to play player is the arena. A hard core grinder doing like five hours a day (a lot, but not a ridiculous amount if this is your one and only hobby) can get over 7000 units a month completely for free (except time of course) but even players doing an hour a day, or a few hours a week, can get something. They key is to look at arena milestone rewards and go after the milestones that are the easiest for you to get in a three day span. 7000 a month takes a lot of time, but a couple hundred a month takes very little time really, and in terms of buying mastery cores even a few hundred are a lot.
And could you tell me the percentage for the Willpower? I have 3 points in salve, 3 in recovery and 1 point in Willpower, what percentage of health will I regenerate with one debuff on me?
I’m using a CAIW 5/65, Sparky 4/50, Ghost Rider 3/40, X-23 3/40 and Gwenpool 3/40. With that info what can you suggest for me to improve on. I have a VTD awakened, would he be better for Act 6.1?
If you want to keep the points in Defense, I'd personally throw them in Greater Vitality. It would partially offset the health lost to Glass Cannon.
One point in Willpower recovers 0.5% health per second. Three in recovery boost that by 15%, so 0.5% health per second increases to 0.5 x 1.15 = 0.575% health per second. Three points in Salve give you a flat 4 points per second of recovery.
How much you recover per second will depend on the health of your champion. It'll be about 0.6%, plus 4 more points, per second. Note: if the debuff on you is poison, poison debuffs reduce healing effectiveness by 30%. This includes Willpower.
If you've already unlocked Act 6 (by completing Act 5) I would recommend jumping into 6.1.1 and start getting familiar with the No Retreat node. In my opinion, 6.1 is 50% skill and 50% roster, and no roster is going to get you through it without some reasonable skill level to deal with the nodes in there. Think about Bane in Act 5. There's no champion that is a "counter" for Bane really, it is all about getting used to Bane transfers and not panicking. No Retreat is like that. Until you are comfortable with No Retreat, I wouldn't spend units to try to plow through Act 6, I would practice it slowly until you were comfortable, and then start thinking about which champions you might want to use on which paths and which fights. At some point, though, you will want to look closely at the map or at guides to see what's coming up so you can make good decisions about what to rank up or what to bring along.
I can't say how useful VtD would be in 6.1.1, as I never used him in there. I want to say he could be very useful on some paths, but you have to get lucky at the beginning of the map or reset and try to get a strong set of buffs.
Two places I can recommend for you to read other player's opinions and experiences with 6.1. The forums have a 6.1 thread here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/127897/act-6-chapter-1-strategies-and-tips
And the Reddit has gathered up Act 6 information in some mega consolidated threads here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/comments/b0o5qn/megathread_act_6_chapter_1/. I also think this is a good starting point for an overview of all of 6.1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/comments/b0wsr1/becoming_a_cavalier_act_61_completion_guide/