How does a un-awaken 6 star rank 1 level 25 compares to a 5 star champion

My couple of 6 stars are so bad Seatin does not even rank them. I was wondering how does a new 6 star compare to what level 5 star.
If anyone knows or can provide a source thank you.
If anyone knows or can provide a source thank you.
Always Groot
My 31st to 33rd 5☆ opening.
For all practicality, a 6*1/25 is basically the same as a 5*4/55 (both have Challenge Rating in profiles of 110).
Just like a 5*3/45 is basically the same as 4*5/50 (both have Challenge Rating = 100).
The higher “Star” version in each of those comparisons may have a tiny bit higher Attack/Health. And if Dup'd with as high of Sig as the one next to it, would have a little bit higher PI as well. But basically falls within the general PI grouping as the others.
Like Umberto said... “a bit better”. And that's if Dup and Sig were comparable.
(This decision was way way before r3 6*s were in the picture and they are a new deciding factor too,