Alliance war resources before war season

War season starts today, but to my knowledge the power boosts and invulnerability boosts have only appeared once since the last one ended and l1 alliance revives have not appeared at all! How can people be expected to restock and prepare for the new season when the resources needed are so randomized and scarce! L1 team revives for 7k loyalty should be permenantly available in the loyalty store in my opinion!
The boosts do seem scarce though
2 different strengths of 2 different Class based boosts (Power restore, and Attack boosts), across all 6 different classes. (so 24 different ones I believe).
2 different strengths of each of Attack, Health, or Combo boosts. (so 6 different ones).
6 different Class Cores.
4 different GRAY items (the 3 for AW that people are looking for, plus the “reduced SP3 damage” one).
And then not sure if the Heals or Revives are included within those as well, or appear separately.
So when you are looking for just one of 3 different AW special items, they would randomly be interspersed among all of these other potential items as well.
At least you get to buy 2 of them on the days they are available (if you see it early enough to buy one BEFORE the timer reset, and then again after the reset).