Why no 5* wolverine, thor, scarlet witch, etc?

NemesioNemesio Member Posts: 134
I have read that kabam "has no plans" on releasing those champions as 5*.

Why is that? I fail to see any understandable reason.

Is it that they will be available in the coming 5* arenas?


  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    This is intended, please move on
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Phantom wrote: »
    I see the argument that these champs are too good, but if that's why champs wouldn't be released, why do we have Star Lord?
    Because no anyone can chain a 200-hit combo.
    Plus, he's not a menace if not duped. Just drops IPs and no problem.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Phantom wrote: »
    I see the argument that these champs are too good, but if that's why champs wouldn't be released, why do we have Star Lord?
    Because no anyone can chain a 200-hit combo.
    Plus, he's not a menace if not duped. Just drops IPs and no problem.

    1) I can chain a 200-hit combo, and I'm not that great. So don't tell me that.
    2) Scarlet Witch isn't good if she's not duped, but she's not in there.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    Phantom wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Phantom wrote: »
    I see the argument that these champs are too good, but if that's why champs wouldn't be released, why do we have Star Lord?
    Because no anyone can chain a 200-hit combo.
    Plus, he's not a menace if not duped. Just drops IPs and no problem.

    1) I can chain a 200-hit combo, and I'm not that great. So don't tell me that.
    2) Scarlet Witch isn't good if she's not duped, but she's not in there.

    Think what I Am Groot meant was that not everyone can pull off 200+ hit combos. Newer players just dont start off with that skill set.
    Imo, I do believe this a further attempt to make Switch, Thor, and Wolverine irrevant in the competition. Despite some nerfing, SW and Thor are quite useful but that'll fade when 6*s are available.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    Phantom wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Phantom wrote: »
    I see the argument that these champs are too good, but if that's why champs wouldn't be released, why do we have Star Lord?
    Because no anyone can chain a 200-hit combo.
    Plus, he's not a menace if not duped. Just drops IPs and no problem.

    1) I can chain a 200-hit combo, and I'm not that great. So don't tell me that.
    2) Scarlet Witch isn't good if she's not duped, but she's not in there.

    Think what I Am Groot meant was that not everyone can pull off 200+ hit combos. Newer players just dont start off with that skill set.
    Imo, I do believe this a further attempt to make Switch, Thor, and Wolverine irrevant in the competition. Despite some nerfing, SW and Thor are quite useful but that'll fade when 6*s are available.

    I know that's what he meant. Not everyone can, but many can. I can, even though I'm not that great.
  • NemesioNemesio Member Posts: 134
    Another problem is that these are some of the most iconic marvel characters. I mean this is a marvel game and yet we have no strange, wolvie, thor etc.. in the top star bracket yet we get nobodies like Hood!?

    For me this game is losing relevance as a Marvel game unless they start addressing that fast.

    I mean those are literally some of my favourite marvel characters of all time and going to become irrelevant with 6*. If they don't appear I'm probably done as I simply don't identify with what feels like half the 5* roster never mind 6*.

    My thoughts also
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    If you look at who does get a 5* version and who doesn't it becomes more obvious. Gamora is a great example. Any champion that can cause astronomical damage with a special attack already as a 4* will not get a 5*.

    Aside from obvious attack/health increases also remember that crit rates and crit damage only get higher when you rank up. A 5* rank 4 SW with the right masteries and sig level set up would easily kill anything in under 15 hits. Same for thor.

    Wolverine I don't quite get because we have x-23. They're nearly identical but 23 is the stronger bleeder while wolverine has the stronger base damage and health.

    So other top tier champs that did get a 5* have it because they don't have the ability to deal out 30k damage in 1 special or a 10 hit combo. You don't see a 5* pheonix for this very reason.
  • crankycranky Member Posts: 5
    There is a 5☆ Phoenix available. I know a few with her.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,853 ★★★★★
    That's the thing wolvie isn't strong when undup all he does is bleed and regen undup his dup on other hand is strong since u get over 300 regen a second but either way he is weak in health and attack so he should be aloud a 5 star version
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    They make a box of champion that's too strong for 5* long ago and never bother to update it. I imagine there is a guy at Kabam HQ that said every month: should we put Thor in 5*, we already put Hyperion in there and everyone just laugh: there co silly John and his daily dose of drug.
  • NemesioNemesio Member Posts: 134
    If you look at who does get a 5* version and who doesn't it becomes more obvious. Gamora is a great example. Any champion that can cause astronomical damage with a special attack already as a 4* will not get a 5*.

    Aside from obvious attack/health increases also remember that crit rates and crit damage only get higher when you rank up. A 5* rank 4 SW with the right masteries and sig level set up would easily kill anything in under 15 hits. Same for thor.

    Wolverine I don't quite get because we have x-23. They're nearly identical but 23 is the stronger bleeder while wolverine has the stronger base damage and health.

    So other top tier champs that did get a 5* have it because they don't have the ability to deal out 30k damage in 1 special or a 10 hit combo. You don't see a 5* pheonix for this very reason.

    Hyperion disagrees with your statement.
    PD: 5* IS available from the 15k subfeatured pool.
  • Awesomeness44Awesomeness44 Member Posts: 139
    I don't see why they have GP and DV as 5* but no wolverine
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Maybe the plan is to release all the champs that are not available as 5-stars as the first group of 6-stars. Which will basically be what their "too-powerful to be 5-stars" would have been.

    Of course then Joe Fixit would be the first 6-star everyone pulls.
  • myPUNCAKEmyPUNCAKE Member Posts: 360
    Maybe because with the introduction of 6*s, 4* champs will soon be irrelevant meaning that those champs will fade out of the picture because they were the old gods?
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    The image of all the current champs and missing ones looks to be just about filled. 3 more months to go, 6 more champs left and 2 champs per month.

    Looks like January will be the beginning for revamping old champs, first with 6* then maybe with making all the 4* into 5* or releasing the non 5* as 6* first.
  • the6ththe6th Member Posts: 153
    level based signatures, just imagine this champ are beast with lvl99 sig and 5* has lvl200! Even abomination can be deadly :D
  • NemesioNemesio Member Posts: 134
    Can a moderador answer this?
  • Drummer829Drummer829 Member Posts: 105
    Maybe they plan on releasing these champs when 6*s come out. 5* Wolvy, Thor, and SW won't be as overpowered when you can get a mediocre 6* champ that has better base damage and health.
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