We are aware of an issue where Summoners on iPads experience a freeze on loading screens when trying to enter a fight as well as potentially rapid flashing lights.
More information here.
We are aware of an issue where Summoners on iPads experience a freeze on loading screens when trying to enter a fight as well as potentially rapid flashing lights.
More information here.
I play all map 7 but my other two bgs play majority map 6. All the tension went away when we made everyone play at least one day of map 7. Those map 5 guys should step up and play a day of map 6 if they truly want to make it work, or map 6 guys who play with map 7 players.
But that's probably just a partial truth. What they wanted to do at the same time was to stop the entire practice of alliance members trading donations. So maybe i do lots of arena and have lots of gold, but don't do war and have minimal loyalty. Previously, this is easily accommodated by finding someone else with loyalty but no gold to trade. Now, everyone is forced to participate in every single game mode.
If you want to substitute loyalty with gold for example, you can still do it, but with ever increasing cost.
Make no mistake. This change is aimed at penalizing the entire player base, and not just resource loaders. I have to accept whatever change you want to make as the game developer, but just call a spade a spade.
There are some players that really donated more with free will for others with less resources, mainly Battle Chips. Well, seems that all have to start playing arena now if don't want stay behind 😅
Our alliance just lots a ton of battlechips and loyalty because if this purge. Just because we haven’t run map6 for the last 5-6 months doesn’t mean that we should lose all those resources that we built up over FIVE YEARS, You create an in game bank and after five years, you delete the bank with no notice? Disgraceful.
One of the key attributes of a successful alliance is collaboration. This ill conceived way to combat resource loaders punishes everyone and will make true collaboration challenging as it will create tiers within an alliance.
1) alliance members routinely trade donations based on what they do (arena, gold, etc). Alliances can collaborate to meet the collective needs. In this new ticket system, you intentionally punish one dimensional donations by scaling. Why is this necessary? Before we could pool to meet resource requirements, now it’s all individual.
2) multi map AQ alliances will be a thing of the past. How on earth do you think it’s fair that if you run 6/5/5 or 7/6/6 that the higher tier map players have to pay more, do harder content and use more resources during the quest but everyone gets the same rewards? You thought this through and decided that this is a good idea?
3) today it’s clear If someone hasn’t donated and I can track them down before quest starts. I know before the quest starts that we will be able to run it. In this new system, I now need to track down each member to ensure they have their tickets. If some don’t and others join the map, it creates another problem.
Do you want alliances to collaborate or not? There have been a lot of good alternative suggestions here in this post but you can’t go live with a system where players that contribute more pay more and get the same rewards as those that aren’t quite at that level yet. I also don’t think you should give higher rewards to the higher map players within an ally doing multi tier maps. That’s the point of working as a team. But they also shouldn’t pay more either, that’s ludicrous.
You could get the ticket system to work but everyone should be allowed to contribute tickets to a “pool” so that everyone is contributing.
1. AQ rewards blow
2. Energy costs are too high. Increase the cap to 10 or give us 30 min timers.
3. Remove a path or two so guys can do things like go on vacations and not have to leave their alliances.
4. Remove all these linked nodes
5. Stale content, revamp it so it’s fun
6. Make all maps free
1. Heard you loud and clear, community. Proud to announce we are removing your treasury and converting it to a ticket entry system
Wait, what????
From the standpoint of stopping treasury dumps there couldn't be a warning period.
But the bigger issue is that they made stopping 1 final big treasury dump a bigger priority than pleasing the other 99% of alliances that aren't in the top 1% and that don't pay mercs to treasury dump. Just like taking away gifting badges, Kabam has made another decision that negatively affects the majority to stop a practice participated in by a very small minority - instead of just banning the minority.
It's obvious that they didn't think.
Allow members to donate tickets that they purchase (or are given back from treasury) to the ally.
Give ally leaders the means to allot tickets to members as they see fit.
This means map 5 players can still donate tickets for map6/7 players to use in an equitable rotation with map6/7 players allowing all members to contribute when running multi map aqs.
Not a perfect solution, but i think a solution like this solves more problems than the minor ones it creates...
I agree with the reasoning behind not informing the playerbase and immediately implementing it. Then the 2nd issue you pointed out is indeed a concern which relates with the 2nd point I was trying to make, which was they didn't do enough to make sure that the majority, those who aren't the target of the fix, is not negatively affected.
The hole in the system was created, albeit unintentionally, by them and any solution to address that should have minimal to zero negative effects to the players who are not exploiting it. So they're probably both negligent as well as devious in this case.
This has the added benefit (For kabam) of people pushing to do maps that might be out of their depth, and in turn spend on revives and heals.
Then entry fee for map 5. Then they removed it.
Why dont they remove entry fee for map 6 and 7 too? Then no donation cheating. At least remove map 6 entry fee because I dont think many people have to pay to get enough resource for map 6.