Alliance Tickets [Merged Threads]



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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    What you're asking for is Resources back that were donated BEFORE Map 5 was free.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Shinyuu said:

    No one is saying everyone gets back the same. You would get back what you put in. So if you did not donate in the last 5 months then guess what, you get nothing back. Are the one's arguing to not make all the community happy but just a handful that are happy about this just hate this game and would like to see it flounder? Why not give the community back what they put in since the system is being changed. Why does it always have to be us against them? Why can't for once everyone is happy about a change being made? It's just like a champion balance they sometimes issue rank down tickets because they made changes to something in the game that has been another way before these changes. Some players put tons of resources in that will sustain their donations for months so they don't forget to later and that's all for nothing now because it's just gone. If an alliance was running map 5 before that previously cost then that would make those alliances happy to get back resources they put in. Right now everyone is getting burnt out/bored so why not give them this and let them rank up some champs that may have been holding them back from continuing on in some end game content? It would make everyone happy not just some and for once a decision would have been made that the community will love.

    Because it's not fair. Have you read my comments highlighting why?

    Sure, it's great for us, the players who have donated, but it's not fair for the players that don't.

    No solution will make both sides happy, but there's a solution that would be fair. That would be to refund the whole treasury in tickets, not resources.
  • JustapilgrimJustapilgrim Member Posts: 239 ★★
    @Kabam Miike still waiting to see what the plan is for people who are getting back more than 150 tickets worth of resources. Again, I have donated well over 20 million gold in that period of time in addition to my normal gold requirements so that we could reduce the gold price for each member. Are you just waiting to surprise me with an enormous eggplant to the posterior when I see a tiny amount of tickets because you extrapolated out the sliding scale?

    I just want to know. Does the sliding scale keep sliding after 150 tickets, or does it stop at 11,250 gold for each additional ticket? If it keeps sliding can you elaborate on how?
  • CurtisisGod1971CurtisisGod1971 Member Posts: 78

    Screwed again. Thanks
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Screwed again. Thanks

  • CurtisisGod1971CurtisisGod1971 Member Posts: 78
    I’ve donate extra resources ever since being in my alliance to prepare for running map 6. You take our treasury and I end up with 0 tickets.
    I won’t spend 1 more dollar or resource on this game. You should ban the cheaters not take away everything from everyone because of a few.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos

    Smh. Furious at the disparity of integrity.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I’ve donate extra resources ever since being in my alliance to prepare for running map 6. You take our treasury and I end up with 0 tickets.
    I won’t spend 1 more dollar or resource on this game. You should ban the cheaters not take away everything from everyone because of a few.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos

    Smh. Furious at the disparity of integrity.

    You do realize they haven't began to give out tickets yet right???
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Make all maps free.

    Problem solved.
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  • JapioJapio Member Posts: 6
    I don't play arena and bought with units BC. 550 BC costs 1 unit.
    Now 700 BC costs 3 units. This is a price increase of 236 percent ....
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    I’m more concerned that the tickets can be bought with four different type of in-game currencies. How will it affect with rank/level up if you don’t have a choice to use your hard earned gold farming?
  • Pr0t0t7p3Pr0t0t7p3 Member Posts: 187
    *BUG* Game will not allow me to but more than 10 tickets with each resource. Button is inactive after the 10 ticket purchase.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Pr0t0t7p3 said:

    *BUG* Game will not allow me to but more than 10 tickets with each resource. Button is inactive after the 10 ticket purchase.

    They said that the tickets weren't supposed to be able to be bought yet, so just disregard them for right now.
  • Pr0t0t7p3Pr0t0t7p3 Member Posts: 187

    Pr0t0t7p3 said:

    *BUG* Game will not allow me to but more than 10 tickets with each resource. Button is inactive after the 10 ticket purchase.

    They said that the tickets weren't supposed to be able to be bought yet, so just disregard them for right now.
    Yea but they can least up to using 10 if each resource. But I see now that the refund from treasury comes tomorrow and AQ is free this week.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Pr0t0t7p3 said:

    *BUG* Game will not allow me to but more than 10 tickets with each resource. Button is inactive after the 10 ticket purchase.

    They said that the tickets weren't supposed to be able to be bought yet, so just disregard them for right now.
    I bought 30 tickets already and still have them. Did they say they would remove it? I'm unaware of the post.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Pr0t0t7p3 said:

    *BUG* Game will not allow me to but more than 10 tickets with each resource. Button is inactive after the 10 ticket purchase.

    They said that the tickets weren't supposed to be able to be bought yet, so just disregard them for right now.
    I bought 30 tickets already and still have them. Did they say they would remove it? I'm unaware of the post.
    After some sifting around, I found the post.

    Alliance Quest Ticket Purchase Limit

    I'm not sure if they'll remove them, but I think that's unlikely.
  • CrackhorseCrackhorse Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2020
    I hope kabam chooses to do the right thing here as clearly they have added an extra revenue stream (which is fine, kabam is a business trying to make money - and they want to make sure kabam is receiving the revenue rather than in-game mercenaries) without accounting for the issues this new system will create.

    1. Having a fix in August that works for everyone, as a result of the feedback sounds good, but it won't make up for the additional stress and break up of alliances who run differing maps but rely on everyone to cover the costs. In the interim I expect long time players to stop playing as they can't afford the time or money required to grind for higher level maps - in some cases this will cause alliances to revert to map 5, but that will simply leave other players frustrated they can't play the map they want in the alliance they want, so they will leave the alliance or stop playing entirely. So these are two groups of players being negatively affected both directly and indirectly.

    2. My alliance, like many, has been around for 5 years. Over that time we have continuously built up our treasury in order to sustain the play of AQ over an extended period of time so that we're not stuck on the day of AQ unable to start the map and begging those with greater resources to help us - we've been there and it's truly a sad moment - luckily this hasn't happened in years.

    With these changes the total amount we have put in won't be returned, only the excess over the past 5 months. As we have never hired a mercenary to donate funds, and we have only ever received an excess of funds from long-time players who grind heavy arena, this is both unfair and a violation. Removing the funds from those who are violating kabams rules is ok as that's what we all signed up for, but doing it to those who haven't violated the terms and conditions goes beyond not being 'ok'. I'm sure there are many cases of this occurring and it leaves kabam as a company open to issues which are unlikely to be covered through the additional revenue stream.

    3. As an alliance leader we currently have the ability and responsibility to monitor the treasury to make sure we can always run our AQ maps each day/week. However, under this new system we won't know until we start if we have the appropriate resources. What happens the first time we start map6 and it turns out one of our players is short? We would automatically fail, which would cost us dearly, not just in rewards, but the faith we have among one another, likely leading to the player who is short leaving along with others choosing to do the same out of frustration. For many alliances this is not a question of 'if' but 'when'. And I'm sure there quite a few of these players will choose to stop playing entirely.

    This new system will cost kabam many players as well as create risk of legal, civil and terms of use violations. This puts the game, the fun of the players and the future employment of many at jeopardy unnecessarily.

    The answer is simple: either restore the treasuries to how they were prior to this change or keep maps free. When August comes kabam can implement the new system without the fallout mentioned above.

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
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  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Rabanga said:

    Anyone know what Map 6 will cost in tickets? I can't seem to find that anywhere. I see map 7 is used as an example a lot about we won't be running map 7.

    15 per day.
    75 per week if 6x5
  • QuincyPeckQuincyPeck Member Posts: 63
    Just make all maps free to enter. Arena used to cost to enter and is now free. No need for some convoluted system that is sure to screw people.
  • GoreGore Member Posts: 85
    After this season of war many people will quit playing map7 map6 even there will be the biggest fall domn since dr strânge and Scarlet wich nerf.

    The system that kabam wants to implement will be a total failure. It s clear from Miles Away that kabam doesnt listen to anyone but themselves

    I have a top 20 Alliance war Alliance and top 90 Alliance Quest
    All 30 of us will be Quitting Both of them and we will be playing map 5

    Alliance doesnt mean play together means help each other

    You punsihed us for a few people and took out gifting badge in exchange you placed content that takes only one hit to make ko Any Champion ( is perfect Game needed to explore content u cant be middle to up level u must be the best of u will spend )
    Now your taking out the posibility to help a player a collegue who we become friends after a long Road in this Game to quit just because you need more money

    Kabam motto must be from far Away
    Invest more money go upper in the Game

    Question: doing this Corona virus situation did kabam company donated something to help people in need ? Dont think So
    The company is to greedy for making
    Money .

    And after this comment i hope a ban will come In that way would be easier for me to quit once and for all
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198 what about the millions of gold peices and chips and stuff that are in the treasury already?
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Giving individuals a refund for what they have donated is b.s.

    Give the alliance the equal value for what they have been saving over the years
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    How many tickets will 15 million gold buy. That's what should be put in our treasury.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    The players should not get anything back. The alliance should get the tickets equal to thier treasury
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,287 ★★★★★
    The biggest problem I have at first glance is that players will be punished for using one currency more than another. Why? Why is it necessary to have the cost scale for each resource? Over half a million gold to play map 6 for one cycle for example?
  • rischiorischio Member Posts: 163
    Ok, I will be going against the flow here and praise Kabam for the change. A lot of people looking for the shadows, few looking at the bright side of this. I think we should be focusing on making proposals rather than wasting time on whining about a decision that will likely stay. Let's contribute in making it better.

    I'm an old time player not enjoying grinding so much.
    To run map7 I joined an alliance that gives ZERO frags about WAR results, so we focus all our resources on alliance quest. It's simple: if you invest on AQ you cannot invest in AW and still run a happy, grind-free life.

    Now we compete in AQ overall ranking with alliances that can afford to run BOTH AQ and AW because they pay mercs to fill their treasury and save up to buy individual resources to successfully win WARS.
    This change will make their life harder and force them to choose which aspects of the game to focus on.

    Everyone here seems to be focused on COMPLAINING on loss of treasuries EVEN BEFORE we even understand how much we will get back. They say they will refund last 5 months of donations. That will depend on how they calculate that: will they consider the stash already present as first pick for the quest opening? How will they decide when the quest opens if it uses a resource donated yesterday or 2 years ago? Chill, relax, wait to understand what happens. Or wait @Kabam Miike to clarify if they already came up with that.
    Of course they WILL NOT refund the complete treasury and they will NOT refund it to the alliance, or that will defeat the overall objective.
    I expect they will be generous on the donations of the last 5 months with people that actually made them. Of course if you donated ZERO because you paid mercs, you will get shafted. Well deserved, it's the risk of using tricks.

    Don't worry, we will come up with clever and easy ways to control AQ access. In our alliance we already decided every player should provide proof of purchase of 150 tickets for the next cycle before the current cycle ends. You don't have the tickets, you get the boot at the end of the cycle.
    For that it would be nice if the alliance leadership would have visibility on the tickets in alliance members' inventories. Please think about this @Kabam Miike and save us the time of sending a lot of screenshots back and forth ;)

    Of course we all have invested in the game in several ways. Spent (or donated) resources are GONE. deal with it.
    If you quit the alliance you get nothing back.
    If you quit the game you get nothing back.
    If an hero gets outdated or a counter comes out, you will get nothing back (like my OG spiderman collecting dust on a shelf)
    Remember that AQ is A COMPETITION. We compete for the weekly ranking and rewards. Fairness can only be good to this respect.
  • rischiorischio Member Posts: 163
    Bezzitle said:

    Curious to see how we manage until August fix goes in to effect.. still disappointed that kabam knew of this concern from the CCP before they made the change; and yet still did it anyway...

    Rotate the players. It's less than 2 months, I'm sure we can deal with it.
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