How to defeat permanent regen Magneto in chap 4.2.6?

f9_absf9_abs Member Posts: 126
I have tried different options, but can't seem to get him to even 75% health. Sometimes he gets double regen and lost health is quickly recovered (400-700 per tick). Any recommendations how to take him down? I don't have SW or Guillotine or GR or duped SL which might have made it easier. Following are 4* champs I tried with:
1. Vision (AoU)
2. Miss Marvel
3. DS
4. Dr. Voodoo
5. Wolverine


  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Hmm mordo could be useful his sp2 reduces healing by 70% plus he doesnt get magnetized
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,938 ★★★★★
    I can't remember who I used. I think it was Guillotine with alot of luck. You have to wait until the RNG rolls Heal Block.
  • f9_absf9_abs Member Posts: 126
    Sorry, should have mentioned tried with him too. I got him at 3/30, and he was only able to get I think 200 or so per tick off soul barb. But that regen negated it quickly.
  • TrumpootTrumpoot Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2017
    Do you have either magneto? they have heal block on SP2

    Civil Warrior? his heal block might not work if he gets magnetized, but it happens on a heavy, so you can try over and over again

    Venompool Sp2 also applies heal block
  • f9_absf9_abs Member Posts: 126
    Yes, I have duped CW and both magneto (unduped). All 3 are at 3/30, but I can give it a try.
  • JamezBongJamezBong Member Posts: 97
    punisher 2099 ?
    wonder if his ability to instantly healblock when enemy start regen, works with regen from node
  • MastaChief117MastaChief117 Member Posts: 113
    Your best bet is to go with a champion that can heal block (Vision/Civil Warrior) or someone who can nullify the regen like Magik. I know you said you don't have a Guilly but an unduped 3* or even 2* can get the job done.

    You can also take the alternative route and see if you can get a heal block debuff of Magneto from the node on him. Haven't played Act 4 in a long while but I know there's a way to get a heal block on him from the node on that map.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,313 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    I am coming up against the same node soon. I am reading that Guillotine gets magnetised and is not effective.

    Loki seems to be an possible alternative. Get to special 3, activate curse which steals the regen and maintain the curse as long as possible using heavy attack. I may be coming back asking for help too. :|
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I used Ghost Rider's SP3, which has a heal block. I tried several times to get the right RNG buffs/debuffs to help.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    If I remember correctly, there is random buffs and debuffs that appear in that map. Must've gotten him on a heal block.

    If not I usee 3* Scarlet Witch, use her with a critical rate team and push through with her until the end.
  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    If I remember correctly I used my 4* 4/40 Spider-Man (classic) and just out damaged the regen with Spidey's SP2. There are better options but you can also try your high damage champs.
  • MkdemariaMkdemaria Member Posts: 119
    OG Vision is a great utility champ for this sort of match up. Spam special 2.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Mkdemaria wrote: »
    OG Vision is a great utility champ for this sort of match up. Spam special 2.

    Magnetism is the problem.
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    I used dr strange and he counter spelled it at the beginning of the fight
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,313 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Signature Ability - Urgent Refraction

    Triggered when his health is low, Magneto bends a dense electromagnetic field around his body to create a personal force field, preventing him from losing more than 7% Health from a single source.
    Magneto triggers this ability any time he is below 60% health and it prevents him from losing more than 7% of his total health from any single attack.
    Due to the nature of how Special 3 attacks work, this also works on all enemy Special 3 attacks. This is because the Special 3 damage only calculates once, and is then split between the various attacks during the animation. Even multi hit attacks like Cyclops’s are considered to come from a “single source” of damage, and are reduced by Refraction.

    Looks like also not effective to use specials against him.
    ..., and his only weakness is stacked Bleed or Armor Break effects.

    Will try using Wolverine.
  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    Guillotine absolutely doesn't work. I tried her 6 times and didn't do nothing. Finally used ghost rider, his sp3 removes the permanent 1 percent t Regen . Also. Alright sure you have about half health after removing the reGen. He still has a ton of health so if you die b4 taking him out.use judgements right and you should regenerate enough health to take him down. . You start over again. You could also quit and hope you get heal block from gamblers fate.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    winterthur wrote: »
    Signature Ability - Urgent Refraction

    Triggered when his health is low, Magneto bends a dense electromagnetic field around his body to create a personal force field, preventing him from losing more than 7% Health from a single source.
    Magneto triggers this ability any time he is below 60% health and it prevents him from losing more than 7% of his total health from any single attack.
    Due to the nature of how Special 3 attacks work, this also works on all enemy Special 3 attacks. This is because the Special 3 damage only calculates once, and is then split between the various attacks during the animation. Even multi hit attacks like Cyclops’s are considered to come from a “single source” of damage, and are reduced by Refraction.

    Looks like also not effective to use specials against him.

    Magneto’s reliance on Bleed effects for damage output leave him with fewer tools to deal with non-bleeding characters such as Vision or Ultron.
    Most of Magneto’s power comes from his Special Attacks, and any effect that can deny him his Special Meter are extra powerful. Effects such as Power Lock, Power Burn, or Power Drain deny him access to the majority of his damage and utility.

    Will try using Wolverine.

    Wolvie gets magnetized too so lesser heals and bleeds.
    Not recommended
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,313 ★★★★★
    Wolvie gets magnetized too so lesser heals and bleeds.
    Not recommended

    Oops ... good point. Loki then. Otherwise, revive and potions. :s
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    I used a 3* SL to get through him.
    I was going to use Scarlet Witch (so she could nullify) but the random effect at the start of the fight that Magneti got was Heal block. I was lucky. If you don't have the right champs, you could try several times until you get Heal Block, I suppose...
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited September 2017
    I used Wolvie, took 170+ hits but got there eventually! He gains 1% of his health back, so as you get him lower and lower he gains less

    Also, Guiltone s2 reverses heal, do that twice and hes dead. Found this out after id already done it!

    My ally leader said YJ is the best bet with his sting

    Oh, and heal block champs dont work as you probably already know. By the time you have your s2 you are probably half life. Then the heal block works for 5-10 seconds max, as soon as that ends your not at s2 again so he is back to full health in seconds

    Use Gully if you have her ad good luck

    Update: just tried it with Gully and she wiped him out in under 2 minutes! Wish I had known that when I needed it!! S2 REVERSES heal, so do it 2-3 times and he is nearly dead so what he is gaining back is so low just her normal bleeds finish him off
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    Voodoo from uor list is best choice
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    TheSOURA wrote: »
    Voodoo from uor list is best choice

    Will be easier if you got despair mastery too
    Stack a lot of spirit venoms at once
  • BornBorn Member Posts: 228 ★★

    10 second heal block on SP1, 20 seconds if they are regenning when you place the debuff.
  • IronDevilIronDevil Member Posts: 10
    I tried with every 4* champ I had but only duped starlord could clear him. Magneto's regen is so strong that he can regen practically to full health even after any heal block is placed.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    Please try Gully, like I said, it is soooo easy with her
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    Killed him 2 minutes ago. Just 4* 5/50 Hyp, some heavyes, and some sp2/sp3. 46 hits at all, and I'm not so good in this game.
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