Overrated and underrated champs



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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Taskmaster. There ya go.
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Ghulk: Of course he can shine with DOT passives, but not much else?
    Namor: Same as Ghulk. Moreover: Needs max sig, long ramp up, and too agressive playstyle for the immunities. Don't like him.
    HT, Blade

  • BertTheSilverSurferBertTheSilverSurfer Member Posts: 90
    not again.....
  • BertTheSilverSurferBertTheSilverSurfer Member Posts: 90
    Wayntos said:

    on which planet is Domino overrated and AA underrated? You all did hear about pluto? dam shame!

    Overrated Blade that's because I never really took the time to use/learn him

    Underrate Vision Aarkus don't know if he's underrated but there no hype about him!

    blade underrated.
  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24
    Domino is one of the most overrated characters in Contest of Champions.


    Her damage relies on luck and luck alone.

    She has very little utility.

    Her prestige is pretty bad.

    If your opponent is bleed immune, what's the point of even using her?

    If your opponent is incinerate immune, what's the point of even using her?

    Flaming trinity is her only good use. She's pretty great with masacre and red hulk, but be honest with yourself... why would you waste two slots on masacre and red hulk when you could have just brought 3 beyond god tier champions instead?

    Domino is still a good option if she's one of your only options. I'm not trying to be a dickhead and say "just quake everything, loser" or "just use ghost for everything, loser" or "use colossus on everything, loser" or "use doom on everything, loser" etc...

    But what I'm trying to say is that compared to the other characters you could have brought into a quest, almost ANY quest for that matter, there are better options.

    If you're in act 6, it's not like you have very few 5* champions. You can't really complain about your limited range of champions after you've played long enough to get to endgame content. You're bound to have a better mutant than domino, seeing as how mutant as a class is so broken.

    I'm not saying domino is a horrible champion, but she's really nothing special. I don't even understand why people are happy when they pull her.

    Another overrated champion, sunspot, has some of the same flaws as domino, mostly revolving around his low utility and lack of practical use. But unlike domino, sunspot's damage doesn't rely on pure luck, he's arguably much more sustainable having a consistent perfect block, doesn't rely on synergies, and has GREAT prestige.

    So why exactly do people like domino anyway? Because every ten years she can hit a critical bleed, get a perfect block, unexpectedly evade while lucky, and do some flashy incinerates?

    Maybe people like having a character with no immunities, no power control, no buffs to clear buffed up, not enough debuffs to clear diss track, no evade/miss/auto block counters, and **** prestige. Maybe people like wasting 2 extra slots on their team for B list characters like masacre and red hulk.

    No thanks. I'd take old man logan over domino any day.

    On the argument that AA is underrated, he is.

    I've been told that he's only good in act 5 and not in act 6 due to the fact that your opponent needs to not be bleed and poison immune.

    This is pretty **** reasoning because there are roughly 41 characters that are immune to AA, based on bleed immunity, poison immunity, or both, and not counting ability accuracy reduction immune champions.

    Since there are 189 characters in contest of champions, that means that about 20% of characters are AA immune, which seems like a lot, but when you realize that AA would be arguably, and in my opinion, the BEST character in the game if not for that 20%, you start to realize that AA is the best option for literally 80% of the champions in the game.

    He is one of the only characters who can fully reduce ability accuracy to 0%, which is arguably the most useful utility in the game. The only limit to his utility is that he has no forms of power control and isn't immune to damage over time, but since biohazard and caltrops aren't even real problems for AA, why does that even really matter?

    It's not like you're gonna take him into an iceman fight, but then again, it's not like you're gonna take domino.

    Overall, AA is underrated because he's much more useful than a lot of people take him for in endgame content. People make it seem like he loses a TON of value after act 5 like blade, which isn't really true.

    On the argument that blade is overrated, I agree. He served his purpose as a 4* and got me through a LOT of act 5. Well done, blade, but I won't be using you any time soon.

    That's enough of my ranting. If anybody sees this, i'd love to hear your opinions because I obviously have nothing better to do.

  • NerdNerdNerd1NerdNerdNerd1 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    Wayntos said:

    on which planet is Domino overrated and AA underrated? You all did hear about pluto? dam shame!

    Overrated Blade that's because I never really took the time to use/learn him

    Underrate Vision Aarkus don't know if he's underrated but there no hype about him!

    AA is under rated, everyone knows hes good, but ive seen very few people who know just how insane he is.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Someone is getting wrecked at AW from Domino 🤣
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    The amount of people saying blade is overrated > the amount of people who actually talk about blade in 2020
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  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Domino is so universally accepted as being overrated that at this point she might actually be underrated
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,978 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    Do you realize how many people have made the same thread?

    Edit: nevermind, this was a revived thread
  • edited December 2020
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  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24
    ayy i revived it lol
  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24
    But in all honesty i've been told that Domino is beyond god tier and at one point the best character in the game. Now that i've formed my own opinion and made the mistake of R4ing 5* domino, I now realize that the character was never as good as people said she was.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Overrated: Ghost
    Underrated: Rogue
  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24

    Overrated: Ghost
    Underrated: Rogue

    This is simply untrue I'm sorry
  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24
    Ghost is considered the best (if not the second best) for very good reason.

    There is very little that one cannot do with ghost and the quantum trinity.

    Rogue is underrated tho I'll give you that.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    @Alt_Zeta22 well that’s your opinion about ghost. But yes you’re right about rogue.

  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24
    But how is ghost overrated though now i'm curious @Nojokejaym
  • Alt_Zeta22Alt_Zeta22 Member Posts: 24
    Are you saying that there are better options in general or that ghost isn't actually that good
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    @Alt_Zeta22 I don’t like or enjoy playing ghost that much and I consider her good champ but not better than other champs. She’s good but not as good as people make her out to be. A champ that uses synergies to be great is blah to me.
  • edited December 2020
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  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Miles Morales
    Come on this champ need synergy even to be able to parry 🤣
    Worst champ in the game in my opinion
    They should have their own tier above the beyond god tier 👍
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020

    @Alt_Zeta22 well that’s your opinion about ghost. But yes you’re right about rogue.

    @Nojokejaym Maybe u just rnt good at using her, I easily did act 6 completion without synergies a bit back. If you rely on the wasp synergy u havant mastered her, and you only need to bring hood for very few matchups. If u say that other champs r better then idk who u could be referring to other than quake.
    @JoshKosh557 Everyones go to is “you must not no how to use her if you don’t like her” lol such rubbish, people can’t just not like her is that a huge problem. I can use her without synergies no problem she just not as good as she is with synergies. Synergies she’s much better more damage and unblockable specials. I like Hyperion, cmm, longshot and other champs than her.
  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,049 ★★★★★
    Ghost Rider

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  • edited December 2020
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