Rank up?!?! 5 star r4 or 4 star r5?

I have an Elektra r3 unduped 5 star. I also have a r4 four star gwenpool. Is elektra worth the r4 unduped? Or should I spend my skill t4 cats on gwenpool. I have dw maxed and assassins will be soon. I'm leaning towards Elektra as that is the direction the game is going however would love to hear others thoughts and what they would do. Thank you for you time and thoughts.
I'm going for more higher content trying to 100 percent act 5.2 and finish rttl. Then work on lol. I have a 4 star maxed star lord to help with lol but ik I need more help then just him.
Definitely Elektra.
That's not a very sound rule because many Champs are useful Unduped. Some would be waiting months.
Yep your right, I r4 my Mordo and he wasn't duped. Still majorly useful though and is now duped btw
I have 3 points in assassins will be saving for the final 2 soon
It doesn't matter, you still have to factor that in. If he's thinking about a 4/55 he's not a newbie. Also, gwenpool is considerably better than elektra so the gap between them isn't THAT big (obviously 4/55 is better then 5/50).
T2 alphas are gonna be more available though, F prestige that ruins the game. Just rank who you like
One day Kabam might abolish Prestige and come up with something new.
I rank who I want and am not stressed about prestige. I'm thinking of taking my Wolverine to rank 5 over the other mutants I have cause I use him the most and he's the most helpful for me.
Ya that's all correct, you'd be helping yourself short term at the cost of future prestige basically (thus lower future AQ rewards). I personally wouldn't rank up an unduped 5 star to rank 4 for that reason, even as T2A are theoretically more available, getting 4 is a ton.
They're both strong Attackers. For the content you've described, Elektra is the better option. Both for RTTL and 5.2. I have GP at R5 and she's amazing, but it's more useful to have an R4 5* in this case. Prestige is only a factor depending on the requirements your Ally has, as it is used to chase AQ Rewards. If it's Utility you need, Elektra would be the way to go for your goals.
I never thought i'd care about prestige either and have never ranked up anyone for it, but it does make a difference. Ranking who you like is always a good way to go though.
5* mordo, gwenpool, iceman, ghostrider, crossbones, nightcrawler, rogue, hyperion, hood, agent venom, x-23,quake, angela, stark spidey, yondu, ultron and more are all worth and have been brought to rank 4 unduped. Even top tier players have unduped 5 stars at rank 4 like gwenpool and iceman
At the level of OP u should be able to do road with 4* champs pretty easy. Rank GP as useful at that level
That really depends on the champ. With dw and assassin r5 gp is a freaking beast and will bleed a beatch out asap, not to mention her stun ability and crazy specials. Electra has nothing on gp. I would take gp to 5/50 over elektra 4/55 anyday.
you forgot 5* drax, who is a beast and mordo killer and has a 6 hit combo, and doesnt need to be duped.