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  • Demon_Speedin1965Demon_Speedin1965 Member Posts: 7
    Why does Modok's Lab timers and solo events start @ 1pm EST but I dont get tickets from the calendar until 7pm EST? Seems like a waste of 6 hours for time to complete.
  • Wild_ObsidianWild_Obsidian Member Posts: 9
    Am I the only one that thinks the difficulty on Epic is ridiculous for the rewards? No one in my alliance is even doing Epic, it’s a joke. We’re all basically uncollected with a few cavs.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★

    Am I the only one that thinks the difficulty on Epic is ridiculous for the rewards? No one in my alliance is even doing Epic, it’s a joke. We’re all basically uncollected with a few cavs.

    Just 9 out of 10 posts in this thread say that...

    This is another bad event that nobody wanted back, and using the re-rolls is a complete waste of time, cycles the same buffs over & over & over.
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    The difficulty is too high for me
  • Captain_HCaptain_H Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2020
    Uncollected players got screwed over. 5 stars are what we need most and you don’t even let us buy at least half of what cavalier players get? Come one kabam. The difficulty for this side event does not match the rewards at all. How are we supposed to get cavalier if we aren’t even allowed to get 5 stars? This side event is not worth playing at all if you’re uncollected. Even if you’re cavalier you don’t get any resources for a 6 star. I am truly disappointed that you would make the rewards this cheap for a side event of this difficulty. Just stop doing modok labs if you keep failing. @KabamMiike buff the rewards for uncollected players. This is not a good time to put out rewards as cheap as these. So many people threatening to quit the game, now I know why.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    TaZ_4178 said:

    I agree with everyone saying the rewards are trash before and after the so called buff, but I'll tell ya what's really frustrating is to see just how absolutely atrocious the solo event rewards are! There of such a bad design that it should just be removed and added to the completion of the daily labs in my opinion, and also why can't we do every difficulty? The original and the black panther trials one let you do them all... it's just frustrating to see, but to be honest I never expect much at this point! I truly believe Cavalier eq difficulty will save/ bring back the game at this point! Stay safe everyone and enjoy your day 😁

    Not to he a party pooper, but I honestly wouldn't get my hopes up too much regarding cavalier difficulty.

    The biggest problem I see, which is probably also the main issue kabam is still trying to figure out a solution for, are the rewards.

    Who will they cater to?

    Being a cavalier starts at 6.1. completion. I myself am currently beginning my act 6 exploration with 6.1. almost at 100%. My skills, my roster and my needs are now different from when I first beat 6.1.

    And there are a lot of players already done with act 6 exploration, some of which even done with abyss exploration. The skills, roster and needs of those are also different from mine at this point.

    So, a cavalier difficulty catering to those around 6.1./6.2. completion could not possibly provide a challenge and rewards fully appropriate to me or those above me. However, a cavalier difficulty catering to the true endgame players in terms of challenge and rewards would alienate most cavalier players.

    Here's the main things I would see in demand for those two groups, players like me who are basically inbetween could naturally fall into either demand category or inbetween:

    6.1./6.2. ("fresh" cavaliers):
    - 5* shards (at least 10k)
    - 6* shards (at least 5k)
    - 5* sig stones (at least 50)
    - t5b (at least half a t5b)
    - t2a (at least 2 t2a)

    True endgame summoners:
    - All of what's mentioned above in greater amounts (e.g. at least 30k 5* shards, at least 10k 6* shards)
    - 6* sig stones (at least 20)
    - t5cc (at least 25% t5cc crystals)

    Now, the exact amounts per ressource are just wild numbers I felt should fall somewhere along the lines of appropriate to the given state of progression.

    What I'm mainly trying to get at is the discrepancy there nessecarily would be. I feel like the best point for this are t5cc and 6* sig stones. True endgame players would probably expect a cavalier difficulty to finally provide a constant flow of t5cc fragments and 6* sig stones and at a relevant amount at that. Designing a cavalier difficulty providing such rare ressources however would naturally correspond in a true endgame difficulty, which most likely wouldn't feel appropriate to most "fresh" cavaliers.

    I'd like to propose 2 possible solutions to this:

    1) Introduce both a cavalier monthly eq and a thronebreaker monthly eq. Summoners with the thronebreaker title could only enter one of those difficulties per months.

    A cavalier difficulty would provide challenge and rewards catering to summoners more towards the "fresh" cavalier category, while the thronebreaker difficulty would naturally proivde challenge and rewarda appropriate to the true endgame players.

    2) Introduce a cavalier difficulty providing challenge and rewards catering to summoners inbetween both categories leaning more towards the "fresh" cavaliers. The rewards for this eq should contain a mixture of the suggested reward structure above, with small amounts of t5cc fragments and 6* sig stones.

    Additionally, introduce something like a "hardcore-mode" mechanic. What I'm thinking about is a mode you unlock after exploring a given eq difficulty (maybe only for uc and above). This mode would up the difficulty of the given eq mode by providing big attack/health boosts to the opponents as well as additional predetermined global nodes. Depending on the given increase in difficulty this hardcore-mode should provide the same rewards as the given original difficulty, but with for example a 100% increase.

    Access to the cavalier difficulty as well as uc-hardcore-mode would require the cavalier title, while access to the cavalier-hardcore-mode would require the thronebreaker title.

    The goal with either suggestion would obviously be to try and satisfy as many groups of players as possible as well as entice more players to progress through the story. There would even be room to restrict access to the uc-hardcore-mode to players wielding the elder's bane title, giving more relevance to all the titles currently in the game.

    Either way, I'd much rather see them do this right, in terms of overall player satisfaction, than rush a cavalier difficulty with a challenge and rewards that would still be pretty redundant to basically all the top players.

    Thanks for reading.
    This is a valid concern and one I share.

    Apart from the occasional new champ who’s moveset is still unlearned (Tigra, e.g.), UC paths are straightforward and finished with relative ease for many Cavaliers who are in the midst of Act 6 but aren’t up for content like the Maze or the Abyss.

    But players who have 100% Act 6 and made at least one pass on Abyss are at an entirely different level. Several of the comments on this thread are from players who sport at least a couple dozen R5 5*’s and 50+ 6* champs.

    So how do you tune the content for such a disparate range of accounts?

    Two modes seems like a tall order for a team that takes months to revamp a single old champ. A possible middle ground would be to provide meaningful rewards for completion, and additional, more endgame rewards for exploration. Alternatively, quest rewards could escalate based on number of paths/% completed. Much like the current EQ, quests could also have an “easy” path that isn’t noded or that carries fewer nodes.

    I still remember a time when UC sometimes meant a struggle and item use (Ice Phoenix, of course). That’s not terrible, if the rewards make sense. Aspirational content can still work at the higher levels of the game without becoming punitive.

    The benefit for the team is that it requires them to address an issue that exists beyond any particular EQ: how to keep veteran players—who encompass a wide variety of rosters and experience—engaged without losing or alienating them.

    That may not be the goal—it is conceivable the team doesn’t see the need to provide any additional content that appeals to a 1.5M, 4-5 year old account that now plays semi-competitively in AW/AQ and hasn’t made the effort to try Abyss (whether because of bad pRNG luck or just reluctance to play a phone game for days).

    Final note: If the point is solely to give players who have done Abyss/100% Act 6 something to do, I think a Cav EQ level will fail.

    If the point is to give players who may want to do Abyss or 100% Act 6 an incentive/ materials helpful for that content AND give endgame players something to do that’s more enjoyable than UCEQ AND give new UC/Cav players something to work on/aspire to, then I think that has potential to be good for everyone.

    Color me hopeful, but modestly so.

    Dr. Zola
  • PudgehooksPudgehooks Member Posts: 13
    Currently even mid game players are also focusing on 5* and due to frequent meta change in game, 4* has lost most of their values. I hardly see people even bringing R5 4* in wars or AQ if they have r3 5*.

    Conclusion - be it end game, be it mid game, whatever kind of summoner, opportunity to progress should be better than they are currently available. I myself have completed Cavalier last month but seeing this month's side quest difficulty and proportional rewards it just not worth it.

    Maybe Kabam realise it sooner and know what's best for community.

    Because the game is designed for people and if thier interest in not thought in designing new content, what good will it be...? Somthing to think about.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    edited June 2020

    Guys, they've made the event - its over a week in. They've buffed the rewards once, they're highly unlikely to buff again. They did 1 month rank up 1 month champions / shards for ages, this month happens to be rank up focused. Its very likely next month will be shard based.

    They're not pandering to the top 1%, they've been begging for better rewards and content for a year and a half now. Even then we won't receive it for another 3 months.

    As for getting more 5*s, UC login calendar gives out a lot more shards than cavalier, and I'm sure most would prefer your shards over 100 6* shards.

    Lets look at the list of demands at the moment.
    7.1 Rebuild
    Act 6 Rebuild
    Cavalier EQ & Side Quest
    6.2.6 Champion boss
    Buff MODOK Store
    Make MODOK labs easier
    Abyss compensation
    Intel compensation
    Fix bugs
    Finish buffing HB
    Redesign AQ
    Redesign AW
    Change arena
    More gold
    Change solo crystals
    Stop arena death matches
    Communicate with us

    Probably more I can't remember too.

    All whilst still in a pandemic, with protests and riots going on.. and keeping the game running. I know I'm going to get dislikes on this but be realistic. Can we expect all of that in the time frame we want? Everything needs to be planned, approved then implemented.

    Not every event can be amazing, some of them are harder. Its not great timing with everything going on, spamming tags saying the same rhetorical questions isn't helping.
    This event is a loss, I'm using it for the T2A and T5B, once I've got those I'm personally calling it a day.

    Let them sort themselves out, give constructive feedback. Not just scream at them with no structure. Understand their side too, its easy to expect the world from them, but they're going through exactly the same things as we are at the moment.

    Finally, if you think they don't care, remember something. Its like a shop. Without us as customers, they do not have a use or job. They have a lot more invested into the success of this game, because if it fails... they lose their job.
    Let the road map come out. See if they are on the same page as us. Then, as a community we can get a picture of where the game is going.

    If it's about rank up, the store sucks for uncollected players to focus on rank ups. An uncollected player can only get 7500 T5B shards. The two t2a isn't bad, but the T5B is just grossly disproportionately bad in comparison. Even cavalier wise the T5B stink adding only 15k more. That's not even a quarter of a T5B for uncollected and exactly a half a one for cavalier. And that's only after the b1tch fest. But it's about rankup this time... Got it.
  • MokkieMokkie Member Posts: 96
    Why is there no 6* resource at the modok shop?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    It is what it is. Just giving my two cents. I'm cool with passing on it. I also agree that making the Shards available for UC Players as well would have been more helpful. Cavalier Players are still reasonably getting more. 4500 with the option to buy more compared to 15,000 with the option to buy more.
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  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Verzz said:

    I’ve just been using r3 Corvus and doing epic in 3-5 minutes per day so I like this event lol. If I could run this infinitely that’s all I would do for the entire month

    Well, if everyone had a 6* R3 Corvus, I am sure nobody would have any problems.
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★

    Yeah I'm over Epic. I decided to try it once more. 3 Revs, a bunch of Pots, 8 Randomizers, and 100 Units later, and I'm stuck with an NC with Masochism and Rage. This is a hard pass for me. Absolutely no need of being that amped up. Meanwhile, sticking with Master gives Rewards that barely make a difference for where I'm at. I gave it one more shot. I'm a hard pass.

    What rank of champs did you bring in? I did not even try. 🙂, because my skills, well.... 😔
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★

    Yeah I'm over Epic. I decided to try it once more. 3 Revs, a bunch of Pots, 8 Randomizers, and 100 Units later, and I'm stuck with an NC with Masochism and Rage. This is a hard pass for me. Absolutely no need of being that amped up. Meanwhile, sticking with Master gives Rewards that barely make a difference for where I'm at. I gave it one more shot. I'm a hard pass.

    What rank of champs did you bring in? I did not even try. 🙂, because my skills, well.... 😔
    Only one R5. Point is, I wasn't about to sink any more Resources into it. Some people say it's easy, many more say it's not worth the Rewards. It all depends on what you're working with. It's just too much stress to do everyday for a month.
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  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    To beat this effectively, IMO, you need at at least 2 R5s in the team: 1 R5 to clear the path of your choosing, preferably with a small synergy team around him/her and another R5 to be a good counter to whoever Boss you face. Most of the times, it cost me 1 revive to run it or no revives at all, when I get lucky. It's certainly not easy, due to the nodes, mainly.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★

    To beat this effectively, IMO, you need at at least 2 R5s in the team: 1 R5 to clear the path of your choosing, preferably with a small synergy team around him/her and another R5 to be a good counter to whoever Boss you face. Most of the times, it cost me 1 revive to run it or no revives at all, when I get lucky. It's certainly not easy, due to the nodes, mainly.

    I have zero R5. So I stick to the next lower tier. 😁
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Yeah I'm over Epic. I decided to try it once more. 3 Revs, a bunch of Pots, 8 Randomizers, and 100 Units later, and I'm stuck with an NC with Masochism and Rage. This is a hard pass for me. Absolutely no need of being that amped up. Meanwhile, sticking with Master gives Rewards that barely make a difference for where I'm at. I gave it one more shot. I'm a hard pass.

    What rank of champs did you bring in? I did not even try. 🙂, because my skills, well.... 😔
    Only one R5. Point is, I wasn't about to sink any more Resources into it. Some people say it's easy, many more say it's not worth the Rewards. It all depends on what you're working with. It's just too much stress to do everyday for a month.
    There is a simple solution to masochism and rage NC. Her name is quake. You do not need r5 champions to complete this content. You can also use arch angel who would fly through NC once his neurotoxins start going. Coming to the thread would be more productive if you asked more experienced players on what to do to defeat these bosses based on your roster.
  • abn86abn86 Member Posts: 107

    Yeah I'm over Epic. I decided to try it once more. 3 Revs, a bunch of Pots, 8 Randomizers, and 100 Units later, and I'm stuck with an NC with Masochism and Rage. This is a hard pass for me. Absolutely no need of being that amped up. Meanwhile, sticking with Master gives Rewards that barely make a difference for where I'm at. I gave it one more shot. I'm a hard pass.

    What rank of champs did you bring in? I did not even try. 🙂, because my skills, well.... 😔
    Only one R5. Point is, I wasn't about to sink any more Resources into it. Some people say it's easy, many more say it's not worth the Rewards. It all depends on what you're working with. It's just too much stress to do everyday for a month.
    I mean, try it again without resources. I get that you don't like the labels, but do you have any "god tiers"? I have had no problem since I saw the suggestion on here to blast thru tech with Corvus. You can get 2 to 3 charges each run, then bring someone for the boss.

    I made the mistake of sinking resources into it when I really should have just tried different teams. You just need to find the easiest line for your team to complete then keep running that line. Now, it takes me longer with my r4 corvus than someone with a r2 or r3 6*, but top run of 10 minutes isn't really terrible, either.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    I'm cool with passing on it. I think there's no logical reason to increase the PI that high for a Daily Side Quest. Road to Cavalier, perhaps. Not for the number of people between Uncollected and Cavalier. I'm cool with passing. Not worth the stress for me. If you guys like it, by all means. That's my input.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    I'm cool with passing on it. I think there's no logical reason to increase the PI that high for a Daily Side Quest. Road to Cavalier, perhaps. Not for the number of people between Uncollected and Cavalier. I'm cool with passing. Not worth the stress for me. If you guys like it, by all means. That's my input.

    An actual agreeable statement by you for once. Same tbh
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Terra said:

    I'm cool with passing on it. I think there's no logical reason to increase the PI that high for a Daily Side Quest. Road to Cavalier, perhaps. Not for the number of people between Uncollected and Cavalier. I'm cool with passing. Not worth the stress for me. If you guys like it, by all means. That's my input.

    An actual agreeable statement by you for once. Same tbh
    I think there are usually a handful of champs that are ideal for content like this. Corvus for one, Archangel for another, Quake a third and probably Domino/Ghost. I’m sure there are a few others, but those come first to mind. If you have them (and you really don’t need Quake at high level) and can play them, events like this are a snap.

    If you don’t, it’s a struggle. It’s a legitimate question as to whether that’s how it should be.

    Dr. Zola
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