Uncollected, at last.

I went on a mad spree and took down Gamora, Black Widow, Spider-Gwen, and Daredevil with Quake at 8% health, all while singing “Wake me up, when MODOK’s island ends”.
The team:
4/55 Quake (MVP, used her for all but one fight)
5/50 Domino
5/50 Hyperion
5/50 Ægon
5/41 Sentinel (more useful than you’d think)
Still waiting for the title and milestones to update, but it is done. Finally! I need to convince myself I’m not dreaming, but yeah. Anyway, gotta go eat lunch, and see y’all later!

I went on a mad spree and took down Gamora, Black Widow, Spider-Gwen, and Daredevil with Quake at 8% health, all while singing “Wake me up, when MODOK’s island ends”.
The team:
4/55 Quake (MVP, used her for all but one fight)
5/50 Domino
5/50 Hyperion
5/50 Ægon
5/41 Sentinel (more useful than you’d think)
Still waiting for the title and milestones to update, but it is done. Finally! I need to convince myself I’m not dreaming, but yeah. Anyway, gotta go eat lunch, and see y’all later!
Quaking the collector is pretty amazing.
Yeaaaaahhh bro quake nation! She da best character in the game, carried me through so much content it is ridiculous
I'm jealous of today's players having more access to 5*s so early. Going through ROL and Uncollected with just 4*s was a tedious process, but definitely a different progression experience than today's newer players.