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Crystal opening with option to get new champ or existing champ(dupe)

rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
Can we have some concept like we have option to select that the crystal would give me a new champ that I don't have or an existing champ (dupe)

Let's suppose I have 50 champs and there are 150 in pool.. Selecting option to dupe will give me champs out of those existing 50 champs.. And selecting new would give me a champ out of the 100 champ in the pool that I don't have..

The chance of getting a bad champ still exists it will be good for both... And good for kabam as RNG thing is still there..

For those who keep getting iron patriot again and again can get new champs.. And someone who think have a great bunch of champ can go for dupe...

Comments would be appreciated.. Thanks


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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    edited June 2020
    I made a similar post about this not too long ago.


    A problem I can see arising is that if you have nearly all the champs already you would guarantee yourself new champs by choosing the new option. Sadly I can’t seen them going for that.

    We do need something to enable more character-specific or class-specific crystal opening though. There are so many characters now it’s impossible to target the champs you really want. I think we all have those three or four characters we just can’t pull.
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★

    They should call it "arena".

    How does that work for 6* then?
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    It’s easy to make smart comments without being constructive.
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    FrostyFrosty Posts: 485 ★★★
    I was thinking about possible new crystal options but instead of a new or dupe i thought the option to reroll would be nice. It's not as good as a nexus because if you reroll you can't go back and choose the first champ. You either take the first spin or test your luck and try for something better which could still be trash.

    With so many champs in the crystals now having an option to say no to a crystal would be nice.
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    Notsavage19Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Frosty said:

    I was thinking about possible new crystal options but instead of a new or dupe i thought the option to reroll would be nice. It's not as good as a nexus because if you reroll you can't go back and choose the first champ. You either take the first spin or test your luck and try for something better which could still be trash.

    With so many champs in the crystals now having an option to say no to a crystal would be nice.

    But how much would that cost? That could potentially widen the gap between F2P and P2P players.
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    @Frosty I’ve thought about a reroll option as well. It would leave the RNG aspect but give you the chance to try again if it’s a character you really hate.
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    rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
    So you keep rerolling till you get the champ you want? Where does rng comes then? And if kabam allows one reroll.. And you get the champ you hate even more.. How will that be beneficial..
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    rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
    Just to quote the part... If someone have all the champs listed in pool.. And if that is possible by the investment he had done.. He deserves to get new champs...
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    FrostyFrosty Posts: 485 ★★★

    Frosty said:

    I was thinking about possible new crystal options but instead of a new or dupe i thought the option to reroll would be nice. It's not as good as a nexus because if you reroll you can't go back and choose the first champ. You either take the first spin or test your luck and try for something better which could still be trash.

    With so many champs in the crystals now having an option to say no to a crystal would be nice.

    But how much would that cost? That could potentially widen the gap between F2P and P2P players.
    I would say it shouldn't cost anything. It should be added to all crystals to make RNG less brutal. If you're looking for a couple select champs out of the ~150+ champs in the game it might give you a fighting chance. 6* are even worse as it takes a couple months to save for a new one, juggs was my last 6* who is beyond useless for any part of my game right now
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    Endless rerolling wouldn’t work obviously. But if we had an option to reroll once for an extra 1000 or so shards? I can see people going for that if they get a character they really don’t want.
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    MathgeekMathgeek Posts: 609 ★★★
    If we could pick a dupe or a new champ, I could always pick a dupe for my 5 star because Aegon was my first. I would be able to get him sig 200 before I get a new one. Maybe you should have to have a certain number of 5 stars before you get this option
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    rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
    Mathgeek said:

    If we could pick a dupe or a new champ, I could always pick a dupe for my 5 star because Aegon was my first. I would be able to get him sig 200 before I get a new one. Maybe you should have to have a certain number of 5 stars before you get this option

    Yeah that's why I mentioned there will be min requirement and restrictions.. Number of champs.. Player level and all.. Lots of things to be considered but would still be beneficial..
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    rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
    Aldac said:

    Endless rerolling wouldn’t work obviously. But if we had an option to reroll once for an extra 1000 or so shards? I can see people going for that if they get a character they really don’t want.

    But that's something different.. That's very much like you are saving almost 9k.. Even if it's increasing like 1k then 2k and 5k.. Still everyone would get 4 chance at 18k instead of 40k..

    We already have featured crystal with lesser bunch of champs.. Something like that preserve the rng... So for 15k.. If I have like 25 champs and 19 are bad.. I still have high chances of getting bad champ if I opt for dupe..
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    RapRap Posts: 3,203 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    The answer is more shards and more opportunities to open crystals. Selecting your own champs is not a good idea and never gonna happen. There have been crystals that randonly offer 3? But i have never gotten one.
    Maybe class specific or year of release specific crystals would help. I don't want new champs (personally) i just want to dupe a few of the ones i have. But if they were to be offered they would probably require purchase or additoonal shards to build like a featured 5 or 6.
    "Pick your own champ" is what arenas are for!
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    FrostyFrosty Posts: 485 ★★★
    Aldac said:

    Endless rerolling wouldn’t work obviously. But if we had an option to reroll once for an extra 1000 or so shards? I can see people going for that if they get a character they really don’t want.

    I wasn't suggesting endless rerolls. I suggested 1 reroll which if you opt for thats what you get. Can't go back to the initial spin
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    Notsavage19Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    I was thinking about possible new crystal options but instead of a new or dupe i thought the option to reroll would be nice. It's not as good as a nexus because if you reroll you can't go back and choose the first champ. You either take the first spin or test your luck and try for something better which could still be trash.

    With so many champs in the crystals now having an option to say no to a crystal would be nice.

    But how much would that cost? That could potentially widen the gap between F2P and P2P players.
    I would say it shouldn't cost anything. It should be added to all crystals to make RNG less brutal. If you're looking for a couple select champs out of the ~150+ champs in the game it might give you a fighting chance. 6* are even worse as it takes a couple months to save for a new one, juggs was my last 6* who is beyond useless for any part of my game right now
    By decreasing the effect RNG influences an outcome in crystals, those crystals would have to cost more. For example, a featured costs more than a basic not only because it contains featured champs, but also because it lessens the pool of champions. A nexus, although not offered in the shop, objectively costs more than a basic because the extent of influence RNG has on a nexus is far less than that of a basic. Therefore, according to what Kabam has put out, if you want to decrease/alter the impact that RNG has on a crystal, it would cost more. It wouldn't be free.
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    For me personally it’s 6* that are the issue. Once you’ve been playing a few years you expect to dupe a lot of 5*, most in fact. The increased availability of shards has allowed us to open many more of them. But 6* take so much work to save up, it really can ruin your day when you roll a 6* and dupe a “bad” champ. It would be nice to have some way to mitigate that feeling, if only another shot at the odds.
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    JslapJslap Posts: 67
    If there was an option on the basic 5* crystals that for every 1k shards extra u pay, u can pick a champ it wont give you, how many shards would you pay?
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