Alliance Quest Map 3 Dr. Doom final boss

Is the Attack of over 15k necessary at the Map 3 level? Dr Doom block penetration alone is causing 5-10% damage on 5 Stars. If you get hit with punches you typically get knocked out immediately

I have fought doom on bg2, 3, 4 and 5. With prestiges ranging from 5k to 9k. Never had a problem with 5-10% blocked hits.
What node was still on him?
It is nodes with Attack x some % increase
So you are correct...I think I am really asking “should this Map level be identified as a Heroic level by the end of the week”
I believe that identifying aspect is for the Special 3 not being used but as a player the level of difficulty is identified by normal/heroic/master/epic or Uncollected
Are these truly applicable anymore in AQ? Or has it been a laughable acceptance?
That determines how strong each of the defenders are.
A weak (low prestige) ally will have much lower rated nodes in AQ than a strong ally, even on same map, because it is tailored to how strong an Ally you are.
As week progresses, you can add up all the BG +/- changes to Prestige each day, and the next day's maps will (all) have node strength based on your Ally's continuing “Daily AQ Adjusted” Prestige.
So winning all 3 BG, every day, by day-5 your AQ Prestige is MUCH Higher, and thus AQ node's strength by day-5 are MUCH higher.
FYI (math...), the relative change to Prestige for a BG Win vs a BG Loss is 3 to 2, (assuming same Map) so each BG Win (technically just a Boss Kill, not needing 100%) actually goes up a little more than what a corresponding Loss by a BG will bring it down. And higher maps have a bigger change to Prestige than what the +/- is for Lower maps.