Trivial question thread

Thread to post any question you like no matter how dump may it sounds.
1. We can't dupe 1 star champs. So what will happen if we pull 2 1*? Will we have two same champ in the same rarity?
1. We can't dupe 1 star champs. So what will happen if we pull 2 1*? Will we have two same champ in the same rarity?
Why isn't Iceman Coldsnap immune?
Why do spiderverse champs evade Venom on buffet nodes?
Why isn't SW a 5*?
Why doesn't Kabam buff older champions faster?
The word “hits” implies it is an offensive ability, which triggers when striking the opponent.
Things that glance have -100 offensive ability accuracy, so the ability where he loses glaive charges should fail.