Question for arena grinder

M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
I've been played this game for almost 3 years, yet im start serious playing arena recently (coz im running out of gold)

So for people who played with 4* featured or 5* basic, how much 5* you rank and till what rank?

(I dont care about getting those champ,im only doing it for gold)



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,485 ★★★★★
    Rank3 im Think is the safte Way to advid the deadmatch in the 5 star arena but it wil changes over time. When 6 star rank4 get arund so it just the old keep rank is the only way to don’t get deadmatch
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    If you do not like arena, and you are just in it for the gold you can always just hit the first 3 milestones of several arenas.
    Gold in in those milestones and it usually only takes 7 or 8 rounds to get them.
    This way you will not have to grind you life away and still get some decent gold, battlechips, units and shards to sell the iso.
    Do 3* featured 80.000
    4* basic 150.000
    4* featured 650.000

  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    Minimum rank 2, mostly for arenas, but around 30% of my 5* are still at rank 1 because of tier 1 alpha shortage, not because of gold.
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 349 ★★★

    I am playing in 3 arenas for shards and 2 for catalysts:
    - 4* basic where I run only 5 teams of 3 heroes top ranked and only go to 1.5 millions to cover all the milestones. With 15 heroes during a span of 3 days you can easily reach 1.5 millions. This takes 12-15 minutes since there are only 15 fights and it can be done at each 2-3 hours. After the 15th fight (after you pass Thanos/Kang teams) I get approximately 200k points using my 15 heroes.
    - 5* featured where I always try to get to 7.5 millions. I'm not trying to win the hero but 7.5 millions will take to 11%-30% and the return is 1.000 5* shards and 100 6* shards on top of the milestones achieved. Prior to this arena I used my 5+6* to 5* basic and reached all milestones (4 millions points) but I realized that the "return" is better in 5* featured with 7.5millions. For this arena I run all my available heroes 2 times a day - one in the morning and one at night. Rank 3 and above for 5*. and Rank 1 6* only after reaching the infinite streak. I have only 5 rank 5, 10 rank 4 and 38 rank 3. You should focus on getting as many as you can to rank 3. Having higher ranks will decrease the time invested in arenas to obtain the 7.5 millions. With my roster I get 3-3.5 millions a day (morning+evening) so even if there are additional catalysts arenas you can reach 7.5 millions in 3 days. Regarding time this is the most time consuming - around 2*45 minutes / day. I don't use suicides to speed the fights but I do use an iPhone. On my old phone it was a nightmare retarding the loading times between fights.
    - Sunday's Crystal Trove arena where I reach 2.5 millions in 2 runs of arena (evening+morning). Again I use 5* heroes above rank 3 and 6* rank 1 after reaching the infinite streak.
    - for catalysts I run the T1A and T4Basic.

    I hope my comment will help you.
    Have a great day and good luck with your game.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    If you’re just after gold hit the first 3 milestones in each arena. I’m lazy and I only use 5* in 4* and 5* featured from round 1. For both you can hit wave 12 or so with R1 5* before you risk bad matchups. After that I just work down my roster. So far as long as my 5* are awakened at R2 I haven’t hit any death matches
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    I have a set of champs at rank 1 I use in teams for both arenas to get me from streak 5 to streak 9 (12 trash champs) then switch to top teams from there onwards - easily smash through 6 rounds of thanos teams before onto infinite streak.
    Currently I have 33 r2 champs who I only use in 4* featured arena and then have about 66 5* champs r3 or higher thats excluding my 6*s
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Only use 5*r1 upto 5 or 6th matches. R2 is the minimum thereafter.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Reference said:

    Only use 5*r1 upto 5 or 6th matches. R2 is the minimum thereafter.

    This is true, but even lower PI R2 teams will trigger death teams in the 5* arena. For example, I have Magik, Juggernaut, and Unstoppable Colossus all at R2 5*. If I ever use them as a team after match 20, I trigger a deathmatch.

    The threshold raises as players rank more and more 6* rank 3 champs and use them in arena.
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    Reference said:

    Only use 5*r1 upto 5 or 6th matches. R2 is the minimum thereafter.

    5-9 using only rank 1s doesn't get you death squads, they are slightly stronger r2/r3 but not difficult and maximise your points
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,159 ★★★★
    It’s always interesting to learn what different people do. Personally, for 5* arena, I run:

    5* Rank 1 from match 1 to 9
    5* rank 2 from match 10 to 12
    5* rank 3 from match 13 to 14
    6* from match 15 to 22
    There is one Kang/Thanos team which I get from the 1st round of 6* matches.
    After that its 5* at rank 4 and 5
    And then teams of 5* ranked 1, 2 and 3.

    I get 43 match ups this way and I score 4.5m without any arena boosts. Typically takes 1hr if I’m concentrating or up to 2 hrs if I have an eye on the tv in the background.

    The above constitutes round 1. Thereafter I repeat them from 5* rank 3 and on. I normally quit when I get to 15m plus as thats 1-10% for 2k 5* shards
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    M1k0rin said:

    I've been played this game for almost 3 years, yet im start serious playing arena recently (coz im running out of gold)

    So for people who played with 4* featured or 5* basic, how much 5* you rank and till what rank?

    (I dont care about getting those champ,im only doing it for gold)


    Rank 3 and above is safe.

    I don’t run Rank 1/2s cause they’re inefficient for the time spent. 😊
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