1st r2 6*

jayb8008jayb8008 Member Posts: 102
edited June 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I have been very lucky with my last two 6 star champs being Warlock and BWCV. I absolutely love them both. I'm looking for opinions on who the community would r2 first and why.

I'm not sure where I'm going next in my progression. I'm cavalier which is my biggest accomplishment so far. I haven't even attempted any of the variants and have put off Elder's Bane due to how mind numbingly tedious exploration would be. I know Warlock will help a lot with V3, but I only have SL as another good tech option for that.

I guess I'm leaning towards getting the Elder's Bane title, even though I'm not looking forward to it. I look forward to everyone's replies and don't think I can go wrong with either option.

1st r2 6* 36 votes

Warlock (unawakened)
BigPoppaCBONEzuffyMqc19Samuel030sDragonMCOCOsfan8Daphboyshadow_lurker22superiorssvpSmashRookiieQacobDisgruntled_User_123Bugmat78StevieManWonderEtjamaCapn_DanteThicco_ModeCtfz35XdSpoodermanxD 31 votes
BWCV (unawakened)
Panchulon21LordRaymond3AleorSerious_786Qfury 5 votes


  • jayb8008jayb8008 Member Posts: 102
    I'd also like to add that I do not run suicides even though both are suicide friendly.
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Warlock (unawakened)
    Warlock is the king of variants, beast for V3 and V2
  • jayb8008jayb8008 Member Posts: 102
    Well it's overwhelmingly in favor of Warlock so far. Can some of you please elaborate why you would take him up over Claire?
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,485 ★★★★★
    Warlock (unawakened)
    jayb8008 said:

    Well it's overwhelmingly in favor of Warlock so far. Can some of you please elaborate why you would take him up over Claire?

    BWCV benefits greatly from suicides (she can switch immunities and gain power). If you aren't running them then you might as well use the champion who dos more damage in their base kit in Warlock.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    BWCV (unawakened)
    Man that’s a tough one. Honestly can’t go wrong with either. And if you haven’t got elder bane yet you’ll be able to do both soon enough. I would go Claire by an edge to save you potions. You can spam special 2 with regen. Warlock can regen but not as consistently as Claire. She might cost you less in certain situations. Go for that elders bane so you can rank warlock after. Both great pulls man. Congrats.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Warlock (unawakened)
    Warlock is a top option for the 6.2. Sinister and he’s arguably a bigger roadblock than the 6.2.6 Champion.
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