Is it better to have few rank 5s or more rank 4s?

Which one would be better option? Soon i'll have my second 5* r5 and i have so many rank 3 and 4 champions. My rank 4 cap iw still rocks with his sp2 crit for example. Would having more rank 4s be better for diversity or should i just rank up my best champions to rank 5?
I have man thing 6*
Domino and venom are top contender in 5*
But you do need to be selective, @chrisfernendezzz
Both Domino and Venom are worth taking to R5 - both are savagely effective, and will do far more for you than Man-Thing.
On the other hand if your Mystic 6* had been Dr Doom, then that would have been a much tougher decision, and could have gone the other way!