Tired of the grind but still want min 1 t2a from AQ/week? Min 8k prestige

I got tired of the grind and created my own alliance. I get 1750-1800 glory/wk running Map 2. If your prestige is 8k or higher and you just want to relax and run AOL, LOL or do nothing at all hit me up. Basically I would just like to hit a bit higher on daily events. Not looking to join any alliance unless you get a min 10M in AQ running Map 2.
IGN: AceMace10
IGN: AceMace10
I run a no line, no minimums, no donations, map 4&3 alliance that's hitting just under 110m. War is 2 BGs for fun only silver 2/3 and never mandatory.
7.9k average prestige, so possibly up your street.
Sent an in game req. Ilovescotch.
Just not worth it. 3300+ glory where we are and map 4 is very comfortable even at our prestige for decent 4/55s and 5/65s.
But if you are managing a mini account, then yes, we may not be a good fit. Most people in our alli use spare 4/55s or 6s to run AQ as main top 5 champs are normally being used for other content.
Good luck out there and if you do reconsider, get in touch. Our alli is literally to chill and do AQ only and is a bunch of mainly adults with jobs.
I'll save you in game too :-)
If it becomes too grindy again I might contact you, since your scores do capture my attention.
I`m a 1m, 9k prestige player btw.
@Fallencircus Sorry to use your post for this. But it makes it easier for me to find later.