11.6K 5 star shards became 2K 5 star shards 29.6K T2A frags became 9K T2A frags 2 T4CC crystals became 1 T4CC crystal 2.15 T4B crystal became 2 T4B crystal. What is this nerf???
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
Why post this again? It was enough on the main discussion thread, there was no need to create your own thread for it. Even after the first one got apparently deleted
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
^^^^^^Miike has said this over and over again.
Please send the link where he said that, I really wanna read it.
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
^^^^^^Miike has said this over and over again.
That is the correct answer to OP question. Unfortunately for kabam, the mole man rewards are the only side quest this year that felt like appropriate rewards.
Keep in mind that there is a lot more to the month of July than just expeditions like he boss rushes, solo events, July 4th stuff, etc so keep that in mind when complaining about rewards
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
^^^^^^Miike has said this over and over again.
Please send the link where he said that, I really wanna read it.
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
^^^^^^Miike has said this over and over again.
Please send the link where he said that, I really wanna read it.
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
^^^^^^Miike has said this over and over again.
Please send the link where he said that, I really wanna read it.
Actually the mole man rewards were coded incorrectly and ended up being a lot higher than intended. Kabam decided to keep them as was rather than reduce them.
^^^^^^Miike has said this over and over again.
Please send the link where he said that, I really wanna read it.
When you post a comment, there's a little chain icon. You paste your link into the little box when you click on it, and it embeds the link in your comment.
Why post this again? It was enough on the main discussion thread, there was no need to create your own thread for it. Even after the first one got apparently deleted
i see a title of gaurdian no more in front of ur name....why so?
Why post this again? It was enough on the main discussion thread, there was no need to create your own thread for it. Even after the first one got apparently deleted
i see a title of gaurdian no more in front of ur name....why so?
It's still there... unfortunately. I thought guardians were supposed to be helpful lol
29.6K T2A frags became 9K T2A frags
2 T4CC crystals became 1 T4CC crystal
2.15 T4B crystal became 2 T4B crystal.
What is this nerf???