Ebony Maw Falter Passive Bug

Here's one that I fear I'm just missing something because it seems so obvious that I'm surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere. However, Ebony Maw isn't a very popular champ, so perhaps it has gone undetected due to a lack people using him.
In his in-game description and his Champion Spotlight, Ebony Maw is said to inflict a Falter Passive on the opponent via his Persuasive Voice mechanic. However, the Falter that's being inflicted is not a passive, rather it's a debuff. As a debuff, it's subject to shrugging, debuff immunity, and a number of other interactions that don't tend to affect Passive abilities.
If I'm missing something, please let me know. Otherwise, I'd ask that the game team take a look at this so we can get a fix. I've made a video showcasing this issue:
In his in-game description and his Champion Spotlight, Ebony Maw is said to inflict a Falter Passive on the opponent via his Persuasive Voice mechanic. However, the Falter that's being inflicted is not a passive, rather it's a debuff. As a debuff, it's subject to shrugging, debuff immunity, and a number of other interactions that don't tend to affect Passive abilities.
If I'm missing something, please let me know. Otherwise, I'd ask that the game team take a look at this so we can get a fix. I've made a video showcasing this issue:

I don't think it matches the game