UC arena crystal x regular arena crystal

luanamenderluanamender Member Posts: 229
Which one do you usually open and which one has given you more units overall?

UC arena crystal x regular arena crystal 26 votes

UC arena crystals
winterthurCoatHang3rdanielmathPiviotallinashesAnonymous346AromaticCoffeeMonk1TinoMiaAmbjonyThicco_ModeBonzodavidGinjabredMonstaPyrdaMasterpuffXanderayneUnassignedtester 17 votes
Regular arena crystals
PImpDaddyZipioEtjamaSquirrelguyAATTStellanlowlevelplayerMathgeekmanan_44 9 votes


  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★
    UC arena crystals
    I've opened 3m UC since May and I'm going to go to the regulars. I've gotten 1,725, 1,200 (and Punisher) and 1,650 for an average of 1,525. I opened 100k regulars few days ago and got 165. I think the regulars may have less variance and end up with better returns for the amount of crystals I open. If I have to open 10m to see the same average return, that's not doing it for me.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    UC arena crystals
    Uc for gold and potential unit jackpot, arena for less gold and reliable but less units.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Regular arena crystals
    I don't grind arena, and only get BC from alliance events. I save up 50k and always go basic
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    UC arena crystals

    I don't grind arena, and only get BC from alliance events. I save up 50k and always go basic

    I don’t usually grind a ton of arena either.
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    UC arena crystals
    Opened 37 UC today... got 975 units
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